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《灵界经历》 第4554节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4554

4554. About a Great city

I was led along in a dream and came into a somewhat small city, where the houses were built of wood. And because it seemed I had wandered away from the house where I had been, a boy was given to me to lead me to the large city where I seemed to be staying, and he led me through a densely inhabited district. We went on for a long time, and while being led along I saw many spirits and their work, and at the end I came to the city. From the outside when seen on the hills and mountains ahead, it was huge, and on the side so enormous it cannot be described. Then I awoke, and it was said they dwell together there and live as husband and wife, and that more wonderful things are to be seen in it than can ever be described.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4554


In a dream I was conducted about, and came to a certain little city, where were wooden houses; and, inasmuch as it seemed to me that I had wandered from the house where I was, a boy was appointed who led me to a great city, where I seemed to stop, and was led along by the boy through a region continuously inhabited; and this for a long while. In this journey I saw many people and the buildings which they had there; and at length I came to a city, which, seen without, was vast; in front, also, it was situated upon hills and mountains, and, on the side, was so great that it could not be described. Then I awaked, and it was said that, in such cities, [spirits] are together and cohabit; and that more marvelous sights may there be seen than can in any way be described.

Experientiae Spirituales 4554 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4554. De Magna urbe

In somnio perductus sum, et veni in urbem aliquam parvam, ubi domus erant ligneae, et quia visus mihi eram quod erraverim a domo ubi essem, datus est puer qui me duceret, ad urbem magnam ubi visus mihi commorari, et a puero perductus per tractum continue habitatum, et hoc diu, inque transitu videbam plures, eorum opera, quae ibi haberent, et tandem veni ad urbem, quae visa extra erat ingens, super colles et montes antrorsum tunc, et ad latus tam magna ut describi nequeat; tunc evigilatus, et dictum, quod in urbibus talibus sint simul et cohabitent, et quod ibi mirabiliora videnda existant, quam usquam possit describi.

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