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《灵界经历》 第4553节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4553

4553. About a hell beneath the heel of the foot

There is a hell deep down below the heel. Between the foot and the hell appears what seems to be empty space, so that those [in that hell] appear directly in the depth below. Extremely malicious spirits are there. They examine the mind secretly so that no one knows, plotting with others to destroy it and doing this in a variety of ways. I have very often watched and seen them secretly pouring out poison on those who are above, puffing them with pride and arousing them to commit evils. They are so malicious, and inwardly malicious, that hardly any are more malicious. They appear there sometimes in robes, like the Jesuits, and sometimes in other clothing. They are often chastised and then let down further into the deep and covered over with a cloud, as it were with a rock. Those are there who are inwardly malicious, especially from the sort called Jesuits, who are of that nature. Others are toward the right, nearby in front, above the sorcerers and also below. Those beneath the heel are able to bring one to tears. When they wished they even wrung tears from my eyes, and they are also able to strike a kind of fear into a person. And this they have gotten this from their practice of obtaining wealth for their monasteries from the sick and others when they were, with them, for their trick then was to drive them to weeping, to rouse them to compassion, and to strike them with the fear of purgatory.

They were also observed midway below the heel. Those who are there appear as if sitting in chambers and consulting. They are malicious too, but not in the same degree.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4553


Deep under the heel is a hell. Between the foot and that hell, there appears as it were a vacuum, so that they appear at once as in the depths. These are the most wicked. They explore the mind secretly, so that no one may know it, and plot with others in order to destroy; and this in various modes. Quite often have I observed and seen them. They stealthily pour out venom on those who are above, and breathe in evils and incite to their commission. So wicked are they, and so interior their wickedness, that scarcely any are more so. There appear there, as it were, Jesuits, sometimes in mantles, and sometimes in another guise. They are often chastised; and then they are let down deeper, and shrouded in a cloud like a rock. Those are there who are inwardly wicked; especially of that sort who are called Jesuits - who are of such a character. Others are on the right, in front, near by, above the magicians, and also below. Those who are under the heel can induce weeping; they also, whenever they wished, forced tears out of my eyes: moreover, they can strike something of fear, and this from their custom of obtaining wealth for their monasteries, from the sick and others they were with; for, then, their artifice was to compel them to weep so as to move them to pity, and to impress the fear of purgatory. There were also observed, midway under the heel, some who appeared to sit there, as in a chamber, and consult together. They also are wicked, but not in so great a degree.

Experientiae Spirituales 4553 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4553. De inferno sub calcaneo pedis

Sub calcaneo profunde est infernum, apparet inter pedem et infernum sicut vacuum, sic ut appareant statim in profundo, ibi sunt malitiosissimi, clandestine explorant animum, ut nemo sciat, et insidiantur cum aliis, ut perdant, et hoc variis modis, saepius illos observavi et vidi, effundunt clam venenum ad illos qui supra sunt, et insufflant et incitant ad facienda mala; tam malitiosi sunt, et interiores malitiosi, ut vix aliqui malitiosiores, apparent ibi quandoque in palliis sicut Jesuitae, et quandoque aliter, saepe castigantur, et tunc demittuntur profundius, et obvelantur nube, sicut petra, sunt ibi qui intus malitiosi sunt, imprimis ex sorte illa quae Jesuitae vocantur qui tales, alii sunt ad dextram antrorsum prope super magos, et quoque infra; qui sub calcaneo sunt, illi possunt inducere ad lachrymandum, quando volebant etiam lachrymarum aquas ex meis oculis exprimebant; tum quoque possunt aliquid timoris incutere; et hoc ex habitu, quod apud aegrotos et alios fuerint, ab illis obtinendi opes pro suis monasteriis, tunc enim artificium illorum fuerat adigere illos ad lachrymandum, ut moverent ad misericordiam, et incutere timorem pro purgatorio. Observati etiam in media distantia sub calcaneo, qui ibi apparent sedere sicut in camera et consultare, sunt quoque malitiosi sed non in eo gradu.

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