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《灵界经历》 第4572节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4572

4572. Not so far from there are also spirits who infuse chills and through them paroxysms of icy fever. This too has been given me to know from live, palpable experience. They are very malicious there, more highly skilled than other spirits in the art of destroying others and the human race, striving after nothing else. They are constantly seeking new ways to harm others, and they practice these among themselves so as to know how, for they are able to induce swoons, do things that disturb the mind, and deprive people of their outward vitality so that they nearly fall as if sick when it comes over them, besides many other such things. In short, they are extremely wicked and can separate inward and outward matters in various ways, filling the outward with matters offensive to their humanity. As a result, when inward qualities come down into such, they are twisted into foul and deplorable [evils], for if the receiving forms are perverted, then that which comes down into them is perverted. In this way also inner qualities are disunited from outer ones, and when this happens, the person is no longer mentally sound, as also occurs in fevers.

[2] Their operation is chiefly into the stomach and also into the biles, both of the pancreas and of the liver; such things come from there, as does vomiting, which they stimulate an urge to do. They are indescribably obstinate, never desisting unless they are driven off.

[3] There are very hot places in hell, which I was also granted to experience for the sake of knowing about them. The spirits there are of the kind just mentioned who induce fevers. They are familiar with almost all of these places, and from them they emit that unclean, merely physical heat separate from life-giving heat. For in the other life they cleverly know how to transfer such things, and they also know where in the body to direct that heat. Such spirits are extremely destructive and obstinate; they never pause unless driven off by the Lord, and when they are driven off, the heat of fever immediately ceases. Therefore they who have been sick speak rightly when they ascribe the recovery of health to God and give thanks to Him, even though very many do this only from a habit acquired from infancy, and when left to themselves ascribe it to nature.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4572

4572. (There are also spirits, not far from thence, who infuse cold, and, thereby, paroxysms of cold fever:) (which it was also given me to know by living and sensible experience. In that region are the most malicious, the most skilful of all in the art of destroying others and the human race:) (they study nothing else; they continually seek after new things of such a character whereby they can injure; and they put them into act amongst themselves, so that they may know - for they can induce infirmities; they can [effect] such things as disturb the mind, and deprive man of his external vitality:) hence he is as if inclined to fall, just as in sickness, when he begins to come near [them], etc. In a word, they are most malicious: They separate interiors and exteriors, in various modes, and fill up the exteriors with offensive things, injurious to man: hence, when interiors fall into [exteriors] of such a kind, they are turned into shocking and deplorable things; for, if the recipient forms are perverted, whatever falls therein is perverted also. In such a manner, also, are interiors disunited from exteriors; and, when this is done, man is no longer of a sound mind - as, also, is the case in fevers. [Their] operation is principally into the stomach, and also into the biles, both of the pancreas and the liver; and, from thence, arise such effects [as have been described] and also vomitings, whereto they excite an endeavor. They are indescribably obstinate; they never desist unless they are driven away. (There are in hell very hot places, which it was also granted me to feel, for the sake of knowing [where are] such as induce fevers. They know almost everything; and from those places they throw forth that impure and merely corporeal heat, separate from vitality; for, in the other life, [evil spirits] know how to transfer such things skillfully, and they likewise know by what shifts they can determine them into the body. Such [spirits] are of the most pernicious character, so obstinate as never to desist unless driven away by the Lord; and when they are driven away, immediately the febrile heat ceases. Wherefore, they also speak truly who have been sick when they ascribe their recovery of health to God, and give thanks to Him; although very many do this only from a custom derived from infancy, and, when left to themselves, ascribe it to nature.)

Experientiae Spirituales 4572 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4572. Sunt etiam spiritus non longe abinde, qui infundunt frigora, et per illa paroxysmos febris gelidae; quod etiam per experientiam vivam et sensibilem datum est nosse; sunt ibi malitiosissimi, in arte perdendi alios et genus humanum prae aliis calidissimi nihil aliud student, continue quaerunt nova talia, per quae nocere possunt, et mittunt actum inter se, ut sciant, possunt enim inducere deliquia, possunt talia quae perturbant mentem, et quae privant hominem vitali suo externo, inde [ut] quasi caducus [sit] sicut in morbo cum adesse incipit, praeter perplura talia, verbo sunt malitiosissimi, separant interiora et exteriora variis modis, et exteriora implent scandalosis homini contrariis, inde interiora dum in talia cadunt, vertuntur in tetra et lamentabilia, nam si formae recipientes perversae sunt, tunc quod incidit pervertitur, tali modo etiam interiora ab exterioribus disuniunt, et cum hoc factum tunc homo non amplius sanae mentis est, ut quoque fit in febribus. Operatio praecipue est in ventriculum, et quoque in biles utrasque pancreatis et Hepatis, inde talia, et quoque vomitus, ad quos conatum excitant. Sunt contumacia inexpressibili, nusquam desistunt, nisi abigantur. Sunt loca in inferno calidissima, quod etiam sciendi causa, sentire datum, tales qui inducunt febres, sciunt paene omnia, et inde calorem illum immundum, mere corporeum, separatum a vitali, ejiciunt, norunt enim in altera vita dextre, transferre talia; et sciunt etiam, quo versus determinent illum in corpore: tales sunt perniciosissimi, obstinati ut nusquam desistant, nisi a Domino abigantur; et cum abiguntur, statim cessat calor febrilis: quare etiam vere dicunt qui aegroti fuerunt, quod recuperationem salutis Deo adscribant, et gratias ei agant, tametsi perplures hoc faciunt modo ex usu recepto ab infantia, et cum sibi relicti adscribunt naturae.

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