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《灵界经历》 第4571节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4571

4571. About diseases, 1about those who induce fevers and similar things

It has been shown to me by vivid experience that there are intermediate spirits in a deep place directly below the spinal cord and that when they are granted the opportunity to ascend, or rather, to communicate their aura, thus when that hell is somewhat opened, they infuse a feverish heat. This was shown to me by vivid experience for an entire day. I was virtually having a fever in heat of this nature and then was given to realize that it was being infused from below, from those who were there.

That heat is purely physical, yet from a living source. However, it is separate from inward, living heat. And I was given to know that with people who have a fever, such spirits are present because sickness summons those who infuse heat; they rush to where there is an aura of these [sicknesses]. Nothing happens with a person except through the agency of spirits; a person's state of life comes from this, consequently whatever agrees or disagrees with his life. As soon as such spirits are driven off, the fever ceases. But because all things take place according to order and all things advance according to order, the fevers of many also have regular periods, for all things must be put in order within those times so that the person can remain unharmed. If, however, it is not of benefit to him, he dies of them. Medical aids are also intermediate agencies that the Lord arranges by Providence. Mankind knows that people recover by God's Providence, for they speak in this way, and certain of them acknowledge it, ascribing the return [to health] to God and giving thanks for it.


1. Initial translation used the word 'death' instead of 'diseases'. This was changed in October, 2022 after consulting with original translators.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4571


(It was shown me, by living experience, that there are mediate spirits, who are in the deep, directly beneath the spinal marrow, [and that] when there is granted them the means of ascending, or communicating their sphere - thus when that hell is opened somewhat - they infuse a feverish heat. This was shown me by living experience for an entire day. I was as it were feverish, in such a heat; and it was then given me to know that it was infused from a lower [region], and from those who are there. That heat is purely corporeal, yet from a vital origin; but it is separated from the interior vital heat - and it was given me to know, that, with men who are in fevers, such spirits are present; for the sick man summons those who infuse heat. Such [spirits] rush where their sphere is. Nothing is effected with man except by means of spirits. Thence is his life; therefore, whatever is suited and unsuited to his life. As soon as such [spirits] are driven away the fever ceases; but all and everyone of the things happen according to order, and all things proceed according thereto; therefore several fevers have also stated alternations, for all things must be arranged within those periods, so that the man may be able to remain in safety. And if, as before [said], it is expedient for him, he dies of these things. Medical means are likewise mediate causes, which the Lord disposes from Providence. That a man becomes restored from the Providence of God man knows, for he so says; and some acknowledge it by attributing their restoration to God, and by giving thanks on account of it.)

Experientiae Spirituales 4571 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4571. De morbis, de illis qui inducunt febres et similia

Ostensum mihi per vivam experientiam, quod spiritus medii sint qui directe in profundo sub medulla spinali sunt, cum illis datur copia ascendendi, seu communicandi suam sphaeram, ita cum aliquatenus aperitur id infernum, quod infundant calorem febrilem, hoc mihi ostensum per vivam experientiam per integrum diem, eram sicut febricitans in tali calore, et tunc dabatur scire, quod ab inferiori infunderetur, et ab illis qui ibi. Calor ille est pure corporeus, usque ab origine vitali, sed separato a calore vitali interiori; et scire datum, quod apud homines qui in febribus sunt, tales spiritus sint, nam aegrotus arcessit fomentatores, ruunt tales ubi sphaera eorum; apud hominem nihil peragitur, nisi per spiritus, vita ejus est inde, ita quicquid est vitae conforme et non conforme, ut primum tales abiguntur, cessat febris, sed quia omnia et singula secundum ordinem fiunt, et procedunt omnia secundum illum, ideo quoque statas vices habent febres plurium, omnia enim disponenda erunt intra tempora illa, ut in incolumitate permanere possit homo; si autem non ei conducit, ab illis moritur; opes medicae etiam sunt causae mediae, quas Dominus ex Providentia disponit, quod resipiscat homo ex Providentia Dei, novit homo, ita enim loquitur, et quidam id agnoscunt, restitutionem tribuendo Deo, et gratias propter id agendo.

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