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《灵界经历》 第4575节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4575

4575. About the vision of a house and spirits there, then of a city and of buildings

When I was in bed and asleep I was let by the Lord into a state of vision in which I had not been before. I was in a waking vision because I kept thinking that I was in the other life with spirits even though as to my body I was in the world so that what I was now seeing, my spirit was seeing as if it were separate from my body. I then saw a large stone building in the middle of which was a circular staircase leading upward, and there were rooms round about. I came to the top and saw several of those who were there, to whom I said that I would like to see the rooms of that building if someone would go with me. Then a boy was assigned to me who showed me around, and he led me into various rooms where there were people. We went from one room into another, and in each one something special was to be seen, such as furniture and decorations, and in each one I spoke with those who were there and saw their faces in broad daylight and heard a voice just like that of people in the world, I myself being as if awake the whole time, holding in mind that I was among spirits, so that I would see them just as they see each other. They all had distinct faces and a distinct manner of speaking. In every place I was welcomed, and they didn't ask who I was. This showed me how they live among themselves in the other life, how they associate in the same way as in the world, and that there are many more wonderful things there than in the world. But they made no reply to this [observation].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4575


When I was in bed and asleep, I was let by the Lord into a state of vision wherein I had not been before. I was in a wakeful vision; for I was continually thinking that, although in the body in the world, I was in the other life among spirits; so that what I then saw, my spirit beheld, as it were separate from the body. I saw, at that time, a great building of stone, in which circular stairs, in the midst, led upward; and there were chambers all round about. I arrived at the top of that building, and I saw several of those who were there, to whom I said that I wished to see the apartments of the building, if anyone would go with me. Then a boy was assigned me to show them to me. He led me into various apartments, where were men, and from one room to another. In each something particular was seen, as to utensils and decorations, and in each I spoke with those there, and saw their faces in open day; I also heard their voice like a man's in the world, and all the time as if awake thinking that I was among spirits: so that I saw them just as they see themselves. They all had clear complexions, and a distinct utterance. I was received everywhere, nor did they inquire who I was. Hence it was plain to me, what kinds of spirits dwell with each other in the other life, and that they associate just as in the world, and that there are much more marvelous things, there, than in the world. I told them that they were spirits, and that I was in the world; but to this they answered nothing.

Experientiae Spirituales 4575 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4575. De visione domus et spirituum ibi, tum urbis et aedificiorum

Cum in lecto eram et in somno, a Domino missus sum in statum visionis, in quo non prius fueram, eram in visione vigili, cogitabam enim jugiter quod in altera vita apud spiritus essem, tametsi corpore in mundo, sic ut quod tunc videbam, videbat spiritus meus sicut separatus a corpore; vidi tunc magnum aedificium lapideum, in quo scalae in medio per orbem sursum ducebant, et conclavia erant circum circumcirca, ibi veni ad summum ejus, et vidi aliquot ejus, quibus dicebam quod vellem videre conclavia illius aedificii, si quis mecum ire vellet, tunc mihi dabatur puer qui monstraret, is ducebat me in varia conclavia, ubi homines, ab uno conclavi in alterum, in singulis aliquid speciale erat visum, quod utensilia et ornatus, et in singulis loquebar cum illis ibi, et vidi facies eorum in clara die, et vocem audivi sicut hominum in mundo, et semper sicut vigil, cogitans quod inter spiritus essem, ut viderem illos quales illi se vident, erant claris faciebus omnes, et erant claris loquelis, ubique eram acceptus, nec scrutabantur quis essem, inde patuit mihi quales illi habitant inter se in altera vita, et se consocient similiter ac in mundo, et quod ibi multo plura mirabilia sint, quam in mundo, sed ad hoc nihil respondebant.

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