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《灵界经历》 第458节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 458

458. In the heaven of spirits a plot was formed to suffocate me, and what it seems to mean

When I was going to bed and about to sleep, warning was given that certain spirits were plotting against me with the intent to kill me; but because I was composed, not worrying about it any more than I did about their other threats, I fell asleep. In the night just after midnight, on waking up, I felt that I was not breathing on my own power, but, as I believed, from heaven, which I clearly perceived, so that the breathing was not mine. It was then clearly said to me that the whole heaven of spirits had plotted against me with the purpose of suffocating me, and that just at that moment, when they were trying to carry out their attempts, the heavenly breathing commenced, and so they had to give up on that try. I was told that it was the whole heaven of spirits. (The names of those who were at the forefront were also mentioned, but it is not permitted to name them, except for two, who portrayed charity and the fruits of charity. These were in fact present, but were not agreeing to it.)

Nevertheless, because they thought the whole heaven of spirits was on their side - for everyone who came, they allured over to their side by saying that those whom they claimed the power to let into heaven could not be admitted unless I were first killed - therefore that plot was formed, which ended up thwarted.

Those two who represented charity and the fruit of charity, withdrew, and in fact to the right side, while that incident occurred at the left side. But while the conspirators were being punished, they were driven off, except for their leaders, and treated harshly, while the leaders remained by command of the heavens.

This all seemed to me to signify that the inward elements of the accepted doctrine at the present day, were thus plotting against very inward and innermost things, to which they wanted to attach no belief; but that God the Messiah sustains the life of the very inward and innermost things. That life is symbolized by the breathing that was continued in me by heaven, in no wise by myself but by the heavens, consequently by God the Messiah, Who Alone is the Heavens.

Afterwards, one who seemed to be their standard-bearer, although he was not thought to be present, tried to enter the internal organs of my body and penetrate to the heart, which in his fantasies he still thinks he owns, so as to attack the more inward things, or, as he says, whore with them. 1748, the 8th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 458


When I was in bed, about to go to sleep, it was foretold that certain spirits were conspiring against me with the purpose of killing me, but because I was secure, caring no more for that than for their other threats, I went to sleep. Having awakened about the middle of the night, I felt that I was not breathing of myself, but, as I believed, from heaven, which I manifestly perceived, so that the respiration was not mine. It was then plainly said to me, that the whole heaven of spirits had conspired against me with the purpose of suffocating me, and that as soon as they wanted to carry out their endeavors, the heavenly respiration at once came into existence, and so they had to desist from their attempt. It was said that it was the whole heaven of spirits. Who those were who presided over them were indeed mentioned by name, but it is not allowable to name them, with the exception of two, who represented charity and the fruit of charity who were indeed present but they did not consent. Nevertheless, they supposed that the whole heaven of spirits was of their party, because they allured those who came over to their side by claiming, that those whom they said they were able to admit into heaven could not be admitted, unless I was previously murdered; hence the conspiracy was made which, being in vain, ceased. Those two who represented charity and the fruit of charity receded, and indeed to the right; that conspiracy was made at the left. But when the conspirators suffered punishment they were then driven away and treated severely, except their leaders, who, by the command of the heavens, remained. It appeared to me that by this was signified that the interiors of the doctrine received at this day in this way conspired against the more interior and inmost things [of the Word], in which they were unwilling to have any faith; but that God Messiah sustains the life of these more interior and inmost things. This is what is signified by the respiration from heaven being continued in me - by no means from myself, but from the heavens, consequently, from God Messiah, Who alone is the heavens. 1Afterwards their leader, as it seemed, although he was not thought to be present, tried to enter the viscera of my body and penetrate to the heart, which by phantasies he still supposes he possesses, that thus he may infest the more interior things, or, as he said, he wanted to commit whoredom with them. 1748, Jan. 8.


1. Or, "Who alone is [the God] of heaven." (Qui Solus est caeli.)

Experientiae Spirituales 458 (original Latin 1748-1764)

458. Quod in spirituum coelo, conspiratio me suffocandi facta et quid videatur significare

Quum in lectum dormiturus irem, praedicebatur, quod conspirarent spiritus quidam contra me, animo me interimendi, sed quia securus eram 1

, id nihil curans, sicut alias eorum minas, indormiebam, in nocte circiter post mediam expergefactus sensi, quod non respirarem ex me, sed, ut credebam, ex 2

coelo, quod manifeste percipiebam, sic ut respiratio non esset mea, dicebatur tunc mihi clare, quod spirituum coelum totum conspiraverit contra me, animo me suffocandi, [et] 3

statim dum conatus suos efficere vellent, quod tunc respiratio coelestis existeret, et sic a conatu suo desistere debebant; dicebatur quod totum coelum spirituum esset, (quinam iis praeerant, etiam nominati sunt, sed eos nominare non licet, exceptis duobus, qui repraesentabant charitatem, et fructus charitatis, qui quidem 4

aderant, sed non consentiebant), sed usque quia putabant totum coelum spirituum ab eorum partibus esse-quia 5

eos, qui veniebant, in partes suas alliciebant, dicendo, quod admitti in coelum nequirent, quos intromittere se posse dicebant, nisi ego prius necatus essem-inde 6

facta conspiratio, quae in irritum cessit, bini isti qui repraesentabant charitatem et fructum charitatis. recedebant, et quidem ad dextram, illud factum est ad sinistram; sed dum poenam conspirantes luerent, tunc abacti sunt ii, praeter duces eorum, et male tractati. remanentibus ex mandato coelorum, ducibus; quo significari mihi videbatur, quod interiora doctrinae hodie receptae ita conspirarent contra intimiora, ac intima, quibus nullam fidem adhibere voluerint, sed quod Deus Messia sustineat vitam intimiorum ac intimorum, quae significatur per respirationem 7

a coelo in me continuatam, nequaquam a me, sed a coelis, proinde a Deo Messia, Qui Solus 8

est Coeli Postea antesignanus eorum, sicut videbatur, tametsi is praesens non esse putabatur, tentabat intrare mei corpori viscera, et penetrare ad cor, quod per phantasias adhuc se putat possidere, ut sic intimiora infestet, seu ut dixit, cum iis scortari vellet. 1748, die 8 Jan.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has erat

2. The Manuscript has credebam ex

3. pro et forte deletum in the Manuscript

4. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has quidam

5. The Manuscript has esse, quia

6. The Manuscript has esset (sic!); inde

7. The Manuscript has respiratione

8. The Manuscript has solus

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