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《灵界经历》 第4581节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4581

4581. About the hells of those who bring aid to the sirens

At first it was unknown to me that there was a hell from which men were sent who brought aid to the sirens and advanced their activities and also disclosed many things; it is now plainly visible to me. This hell is all the way in back at a distance. As soon as the Sirens arrived from afar, one spirit high above was immediately sent from there and communicated with the Sirens. Those who were in this hell were also successively cast into a different hell also behind the back near the back. They were swallowed up the moment they came to it, and those who had been in the former hell also were swallowed up. It is still going on. They are demons.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4581


It was not, at first, known to me that there was a hell from which were sent forth those who bore aid to the sirens, and favored them, and also disclosed many things. It was now revealed to me: it is quite at the back, at a great distance. As soon as the sirens arrived from afar, then was one immediately let out, from that hell, high above, and he communicated with the sirens. They who were in that hell were also successively cast into another hell, also behind the back, [but] nearer the back. They were swallowed up as soon as they reached thither; and those who were in the latter hell were also swallowed up. This still continues. They are genii.

Experientiae Spirituales 4581 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4581. De infernis eorum qui opem ferunt sirenibus

Mihi primum ignotum fuit quod esset infernum, e quo emitterentur qui opem ferrent sirenibus, et illas promoverent, et quoque detegerent plura, nunc mihi manifestatum est, est prorsus a tergo ad distantiam, ut primum adveniebant Sirenes e longinquo, tunc inde statim unus alte supra emissus, et communicabat cum Sirenibus, illi qui in eo inferno erant, etiam successive conjecti sunt in aliud infernum etiam post tergum propius tergo, inglutiti sunt illico dum illuc veniebant, et quoque inglutiti qui in illo inferno fuerunt, adhuc perstat, sunt genii.

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