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《灵界经历》 第4582节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4582

4582. About the hell of those who from innermost cunning want to and do inflict harm upon mankind in such a manner as to appear outwardly honorable and sincere, and as friends

Certain ones are the kind who in their social relations appear friendly and sincere, but whose innermost enjoyment is to bring harm not only to friends, but also to neighbors and other acquaintances. They ponder this; they secretly plot this; they take care lest anything of this leak out. One of them appeared rather high up above (Bryggaren mitt emot mig) 1. He also induced an effort to bite my tongue. The hell of such or of similar spirits is at the left side toward the back at a little distance. They did not dare do the same, but they found enjoyment in assisting one of them upward to devise such things.

I saw that something like a ladder appeared by which he ascended, and the bystanders helped [him] upward with their arts. They then stationed themselves in a place near their hell and by their presence there held him on high, but the mouth of hell was opened, into which all who came there were cast one after another. Then also [I saw] that their hell had changed. They are demons. They have so much enjoyment in doing evil that even if they see the mouth of a different hell ahead and know that they can never emerge from it, the enjoyment of evil so carries them away that they do not refrain; for the enjoyment of doing evil is their life. The case is similar with certain other hells.


1. Swedish for "Beer brewer across from me"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4582


There are some of such a character that, in interaction, they appear friendly and sincere, but still their delight is to inflict harm, not only on friends, but also on neighbors and other acquaintances. They study this; they secretly contrive it; and they take precautions, that not anything about it should become known. One of them (the brewer who lived opposite my house) appeared quite high above. He also induced an attempt to bite the tongue. The hell of such, or the like, is on the left side, a little distance backward. They themselves did not dare to do such things; but it was their delight to assist that one who was above, so that he might contrive them. I saw that there appeared as it were a ladder, whereby he might ascend; and the bystanders assisted that one above, with their arts. They then posted themselves in a place near their hell, and, by their presence there, kept him on high; but the mouth of [another] hell was opened, and into it were successively cast all who came to that place: so that their hell is changed also. They are genii. So much delight attaches to doing evil, that, even though they see before themselves the mouth of another hell, and know that they can never emerge thence, yet, nevertheless, the delight of evil so carries them along, that they do not refrain; for the delight of doing evil is their life. Similar is the case with certain other hells.

Experientiae Spirituales 4582 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4582. De inferno eorum qui ex intimo dolo homini damnum inferre volunt et faciunt, ita ut appareant exterius honesti et sinceri, atque amici

Sunt quidam tales qui in conversatione apparent amici et sinceri, at usque intimum eorum jucundum est damnum inferre amicis non modo, sed etiam vicinis, et notis aliis, hoc cogitant, hoc clam machinantur, praecavent ne aliquid inde emaneant, unus eorum apparuit sursum satis alte Bryggaren mitt emot mig is etiam inducebat conatum morsionis linguae; talium, seu similium infernum est ad latus sinistrum retrorsum ad paucam distantiam, illi non ausi sunt similia facere, sed jucundum eorum fuit unum illum sursum adjuvare, ut talia machinaretur, vidi quod appareret sicut scala per quam ascenderet, et ii astantes artibus suis sursum adjuvabant; illi se tunc locabant in loco prope infernum suum, et per praesentiam ibi tenebant illum in alto, sed apertus est vorax inferni, in quod conjecti sunt, successive, omnes qui ibi venerunt, sic etiam quod eorum infernum sit mutatum, sunt genii; tantum jucundi inest faciendi malum, ut tametsi prae se videant voraginem alius inferni, et sciant quod nusquam possint inde emergere, usque tamen jucundum mali illos tantum aufert, ut non desistant, nam jucundum malum faciendi est vita eorum, cum quibusdam aliis infernis similiter se habet.

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