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《灵界经历》 第4585节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4585

4585. About sicknesses

All hellish spirits induced sicknesses, but with a difference according to the part to which they cling in order to act upon it from what is opposite, namely opposite to those in heaven with whom the parts of the body interact. For there are opposites of every society in heaven. This is because just as angels or angelic societies hold all things in the human being together in their connection, and safe, so evil spirits out of what is opposite tear them apart. But it is not allowed for them to flow in except into the passions and falsities in a person and not into a person's body parts, only when a person falls sick do they flow into him or her, and then only into such parts in the person where the sickness is.

For nothing ever exists in a human being except due to a cause from the spiritual world. People think that such things exist in them and that there is nothing outside of them that is acting, but still, every earthly thing has a cause from what is spiritual, otherwise it would be without a cause. But still, this does not gainsay that they can also, and should also, be cured or healed by earthly methods. The Providence of the Lord then works in tandem with such means, and then also, people are held back longer from faith about a Providence in the very least things; for if one were to believe this and then deny it, one would profane holy truth, which is the most dreadful hell itself.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4585


(All the infernals induce diseases, but with a difference according to the part to which they are attached, so that they may act from the opposite, to wit, in opposition to those in heaven, to whom the parts of the body correspond - for there are opposites to every society in heaven; for, as angels or angelic societies preserve in connection and soundness all things in man, so infernals, from the opposite [side], divide them. But it is only permitted them to inflow into the cupidities and falsities pertaining to man - not into man's organs. Only when man falls into disease, then they inflow also into those [organs] in man where the disease is; for nothing ever exists with man, save by a cause from the spiritual world. Man supposes that such things exist in him, and that there is nothing outside him that acts; when, yet, every natural has its cause from a spiritual, otherwise it would be without a cause; but, still, this does not interfere with the fact that they can be, and also ought to be, cured, or made sound, by natural means. The Lord's providence then concurs with such means: and thus, also, man is kept the longer away from faith concerning a providence in the minutest particulars; for, if he should believe this, and afterwards deny it, he would profane a sacred truth, which is itself a most dreadful hell.

Experientiae Spirituales 4585 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4585. De morbis

Omnes infernales inducunt morbos, sed cum differentia, cui applicantur ut agant ex opposito in partem, nempe ad oppositum ad illos in coelo, quibus partes corporis correspondent, sunt enim opposita cuivis societati in coelo, sicut enim angeli seu societates angelicae continent omnia in homine in nexu, et incolumitate, ita infernales ex opposito, discindunt: sed non permittitur illis influere, quam in cupiditates et falsitates apud hominem, non autem in hominis membra; solum cum homo in morbum cadit, tunc influunt illi, etiam in talia apud hominem, ubi morbus; nam nihil usque existit apud hominem, nisi a causa e mundo spirituali; homo putat quod talia existunt in illo, et quod nihil sit extra illum quod agit, sed usque omne naturale causam habet a spirituali, alioquin foret absque causa, sed usque non impedit, quin etiam naturaliter queant, et quoque debeant curari seu sanari, concurrit tunc cum talibus mediis Providentia Domini, et sic quoque homo longius detinetur a de de Providentia in singularissimis, si enim hanc crederet, et dein negaret, profanaret sanctum verum, quod est ipsum infernum dirissimum.

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