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《灵界经历》 第4584节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4584

4584. About the hells

When anyone from the hells appears, where he or she is from is immediately recognized. They appeared noticeably different from one hell to another, some appear with a frightful face, some black, and some as monsters of various kinds. In short, there are innumerable shapes. And what is remarkable, all who are in hell, no matter how many they may be, when viewed in the midday light of heaven, look alike, even speak alike, such that you would believe them to be one and the same person, when yet they are innumerable, as I proved in the case of the two kinds of sirens. Each one speaks and acts just as the other, and I saw that there were thousands and thousands of them, each of whom did just as the other.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4584


When anyone from the hells appears, it is at once known from which one they are. Those from different hells appear distinct. Some appear with a dreadful face, some black and some like monsters of various kinds; in a word, the forms are innumerable; and, what is wonderful, all in hell, how many soever they may be, when viewed in the ordinary light of heaven, appear like each other, and also speak alike, so that you would believe them to be one and the same person, when yet they are innumerable, as I proved with the two kinds of sirens, -everyone speaks and acts like the others; and I saw that there were thousands upon thousands, everyone of whom was like the others.

Experientiae Spirituales 4584 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4584. De Infernis

Cum apparet aliquis ex infernis, noscitur illico a quo sunt, apparent distincti ab uno inferno et ab alio, quidam apparent dira facie, quidam nigri, et quidam sicut monstra varii generis, verbo sunt formae innumerabiles; et quod mirum, omnes quotcunque sint in inferno, cum conspiciuntur in luce media coeli, apparent sibi similes, etiam loquuntur similiter, ita ut crederes unam eandemque personam esse, cum tamen innumerabiles sint, quod expertus a sirenibus, quae duplicis generis, unaquaevis loquitur et agit sicut altera, et vidi quod millia et millia essent, quarum unaquaevis sicut altera.

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