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《灵界经历》 第4587节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4587

4587. The most obstinate of all are those who during their life in the world had appeared more just than others and consequently had positions of authority, but nevertheless had believed nothing and had lived a life of self-love, avenging themselves for all things that were done against them, regarding those who opposed them as enemies and who did not worship them. When they argued about faith and about the life after death, they were believed by others. Being in authority they also speak from a serious righteousness in the other life, just like those who are righteous, but they are extremely malicious. When they attach themselves to someone, they then induce mental torment from boredom, which they increase and breathe in continually, and thus make [one] impatient, all of which creates intense pain and induces such weakness of the body that one can scarcely raise oneself from bed. This was shown to me by the fact that when they were present, this kind of weakness took hold on me, and when they were removed, it ceased in the degree that they were removed. They also employ many an art to pour in boredom, and by this weakness. They appeared beside the head, but when they were rejected, they were rejected toward the left, and cast down into a deep hell there. It is to the left, at a middle distance.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4587

4587. The most obdurate of all are those, who, in the life in the world, appeared juster than others and hence were in authority, and yet have believed nothing and have lived the life of the love of self revenging all things which may be done against them, regarding as enemies those who have opposed themselves to them and those who have not reverenced them. When they argued concerning faith, and concerning the life after death, they were believed by others, [as] being in authority by virtue of their justice and earnestness. They likewise speak, in the other life, like those who are principled in justice. But they are most malicious. When they are applied, then they induce agony of the spirit, by means of tedium, which they increase and inspire continually, and thus they add impatience, which begets the greatest suffering and induces such weakness of body that [the man] can scarce raise himself from bed. This was shown me by this means: when they were present, such a weakness took possession of [me], and when they were removed, it ceased, in proportion as they were removed. They also employ many arts, so as to infuse weariness and thence weakness. They appeared next the head; but when they were turned out, they were turned out towards the left, and cast down into a deep hell there. It is to the left, at a moderate distance.)

Experientiae Spirituales 4587 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4587. Omnium contumacissimi sunt, qui in vita in mundo apparuerunt justi prae aliis, et inde in autoritate, et tamen nihil crediderunt, et vixerunt vitam amoris sui, vindicando omnia, quae fierent contra illos, pro inimicis reputando illos, qui se opposuerunt, et qui illos non coluerunt; cum ratiocinati sunt de fide, et de vita post mortem, ab aliis crediti sunt; qui in auctoritate ex justo et serio loquantur etiam in altera vita, sicut illi qui in justo sunt, sed sunt malitiosissimi, cum [homini] applicantur tunc inducunt animi cruciatum, per taedium, quod augent et insufflant continue, et sic reddunt impatientem, quod dolorem maximum creat, et inducit talem infirmitatem corpori, ut vix se levare e lecto queat, hoc mihi ostensum, per id cum adessent quod talis infirmitas [me] occuparet, et cum removerentur, quod illa cessaret secundum gradum sicut removebantur; utantur etiam pluri arte, ut taedium et inde infirma infundant; apparuerunt juxta caput, cum autem rejecti sunt, rejecti sunt versus sinistrum, et dejecti in infernum ibi profundum, est ad sinistrum ad mediam distantiam.

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