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《灵界经历》 第4588节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4588

4588. All things flow in, goods and truths from the Lord


For the whole night, I was in a spiritual aura, but awake, no different than a spirit, and an inflowing aura continued to stream in from the Lord, something good and true. I had been in this aura continuously for many hours, and the opposite aura, that all things are from what is one's own, was continually flowing in and trying to wrench away the former. However, it could not do the least thing for many, many hours, but I was always in the aura showing that all goodness and truth is from the Lord, and the opposite aura which was attacking, was unable to do the least thing. Spirits who are being introduced to and confirmed in that truth are held in such an aura. They are also held in it for the purpose of spirits of the opposite kind withdrawing.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4588


(For a whole night I was in a spiritual sphere, but awake just as a spirit, and an uninterrupted sphere of influx inflowed that all good and truth is from the Lord. I was in this sphere for many hours at a time, and, also, in the opposite sphere, that all things are from the proprium. The latter sphere continually inflowed, and desired to destroy the other, but it could not accomplish anything for very many hours; but I was constantly in the sphere that everything good and true is from the Lord, and the opposite sphere, which assailed [this], was able to effect nothing at all. In such a sphere are those spirits held, who are initiated and confirmed in that truth. [They are held in it], likewise, to the end that the opposite spirits may recede.)

Experientiae Spirituales 4588 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4588. Quod omnia influant, bona et vera a Domino


Per totam noctem fui in sphaera spirituali, sed vigil, non aliter ac spiritus, et influebat continua sphaera influxus a Domino, quid bonum et verum, in hac sphaera fui per plures horas continue, et sphaera opposita, quod omnia a proprio, haec sphaera continue influebat et volebat alteram convellere, sed ne hilum potuit per tot horas, sed semper eram in sphaera, quod omne bonum et verum a Domino, et ne hilum potuit sphaera opposita quae impugnabat, efficere; in tali sphaera tenentur spiritus, qui initiantur et confirmantur in vero illo, et quoque propter causam ut recedant spiritus oppositi.

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