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《灵界经历》 第4590节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4590

4590. About a hell from which issues feverish heat


A large quadrangular opening appeared, sloping downward obliquely, and there at the bottom appeared a round opening, which was then open, but was quickly closed. It was said that dangerous heat exhales from it which collects there from various hells, arising out of those things that induce heats, such as adulteries, quarrels, revenges, and cruelties, among many other such things. Heat exhales from there and invades the body when it falls into feverish sickness, but this with much variety.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4590


(There appeared a great quadrangular opening, inclining obliquely downwards; and, there, at a great depth, appeared a round hole, which was then open, but was immediately closed. It was said, that thence exhales the dangerous heat which is collected there from various hells - being derived from such things as induce heats, as, for example, from adulteries, strifes, revenges, cruelties, and many other such things. Hence exhales the heat which infests the body when it falls into a febrile disease; but with much variety.

Experientiae Spirituales 4590 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4590. De inferno unde calor febrilis, morbus

Apparuit magna apertura quadrangularis oblique tendens deorsum, et ibi ad profunditatem apparebat apertura rotunda, quae tunc aperta, sed mox clausa, dictum quod inde exhalet calor infestus, qui ibi collectus e variis infernis, oriundus ex talibus quae calores inducunt, sicut ex adulteriis, rixis, vindictis, crudelitatibus, et pluribus, inde calor exhalat, qui infestat corpus, cum incidit in morbum febrilem; sed cum multa varietate.

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