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《灵界经历》 第4591节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4591

4591. With sick people, spirits from such hells are not present, but there is a general aura and general inflow from those heats that are at once received by the sickness itself; with me there were spirits from those very hells, so that I might learn where those things come from. They were spirits who had communication with those places. As soon as they were removed the sickness ceased, and as they approached it increased. This is the case with heat, with cold, with pain of the teeth, temples, head, hips, and various joints.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4591

4591. The spirits out of such hells are not present with the sick; but there is a general sphere, and general influx, from such heats, that are at once appropriated by the disease itself. Spirits from those very hells were with me, in order that I might be taught whence such things are, and those spirits had communication with those places: according as they were withdrawn, the disease became quiescent, and according as they approached, it became more virulent. Thus it is with heat, with cold, with pain of the teeth, of the temples, of the head, of the hip, and of the various joints.)

Experientiae Spirituales 4591 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4591. Apud aegrotos non adsunt spiritus ex talibus infernis, sed est communis sphaera et communis influxus, a talibus caloribus, qui illico adsciscuntur ab ipso morbo: apud me fuerunt spiritus ab ipsis illis infernis, ut docerer, unde talia; qui spiritus communicationem habebant cum illis locis, qui sicut removebantur, cessabat morbus, et sicut appropinquabant, augebatur. Ita cum calore, cum frigore, cum dolore dentium, temporum, capitis, coxendicis, variorum artuum.

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