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《灵界经历》 第4592节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4592

4592. About sicknesses

All sicknesses with mankind occur from no other source [than that described above], most of them being no other than lusts, such as immoderation in regard to various vices and overindulgence in them, such as various sensual pleasures, promiscuity, and anxiety over future things to come. These are the genuine causes of all sicknesses. Nor is death itself from any other source than by reason of sin. These things contaminate the blood, and when this happens, they obstruct and choke up the very small vessels, for which reason sicknesses break out. This is why sicknesses interact with those auras from hell. If people had lived in a state of goodness, they would decline to the end of old age, and then, when the body could no longer respond to the needs of the inner person, then they would pass over from the earthly body, without sickness.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4592


(All diseases, with man, exist from no other source [than that just described], and very many only from cupidities, as for instance, from excessive indulgence of various vices, and from the number of them, as from the various bodily delights from lascivious practices, and from anxiety about the future. These are the real causes of all diseases. Nor is death itself from any other source, than by reason of sin. These things vitiate the blood: when this is vitiated, they obstruct and choke up the very small vessels - wherefore diseases break out. Hence it is that diseases correspond to those spheres which are from hell. If mankind had lived in a state of good, then a man would wane, even to the utmost feebleness of age; and then, when the body could no longer minister to the internal man, that man would pass away from its earthly body, without disease.)

Experientiae Spirituales 4592 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4592. De morbis

Omnes morbi non aliunde apud hominem existunt, plerique non nisi quam ex cupiditatibus, sicut ex intemperantia variorum vitiorum, et eorum abundantia, ut ex voluptatibus variis, ex lasciviis, ex anxietate futurorum, hae sunt genuinae causae omnium morborum, ipsa mors nec aliunde est, quam ex causa peccati, vitiant illa sanguinem, quo vitiato obstruunt et oblimant minima vasa, quare morbi erumpunt, inde est, quod morbi correspondeant illis sphaeris quae ab inferno: si homo in statu boni vixisset, tunc decresceret homo, usque ad ultimum senium, et tunc cum corpus non amplius ministrare posset interno homini, tunc transiret ille homo a suo corpore terrestri, absque morbo.

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