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《灵界经历》 第4595节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4595

4595. They are experienced in very many tricks for corrupting the order that exists in the other life. It is commonplace for them [to make it appear] that they are speaking from another place than where they are, so that spirits don't know where they [actually] are. For this they use a magical trick. They wind cloth bands around a magic wand, so to speak, and do this with many windings, sometimes a hundred. Then they throw this magic object to where they want their voice to be heard by others; and, also, when they are speaking and entering into the thought, it is heard no differently than as if they were there. The angels, who do not care for magic tricks, see and show where they are. But they cannot be resisted until that magical [staff] is first unwound. They sometimes insert other objects, which they draw from some affection, into the ribbons.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4595

4595. They are skilled in very many arts for perverting the order that exists in the other life. It is a common practice with them, that they do not speak [in the ordinary way, but] from some other place than where they are, so that spirits may not know their whereabouts. 1To this end they employ magical art. They wrap round, as it were, with bandages, a counterfeit wand, and this in very numerous folds - sometimes a hundred - and this magical wand they project to the place from which they wish that the voice from them should be heard; and, also, while they are speaking and entering into the thought, it is not heard otherwise than as if they are in that place. The angels, who do not care for magic, see and point out where they are; but they cannot be resisted unless first that magic [wand] is unwrapped. Sometimes they mix up with the bandages other things, which they take from some affection.


1. Evidently, the spiritual-world equivalent for ventriloquism.

Experientiae Spirituales 4595 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4595. Callent perplures artes pervertendi ordinem qui in altera vita, hoc familiare illis, quod non loquantur aliunde quam ubi sunt, sic ut spiritus non sciant ubinam sunt, ad hoc arte magica utuntur, baculum fictum circumvolvunt quasi fasciolis et hoc per plures circumvolutiones, quandoque per centum, et hoc magicum projiciunt illuc ubi volunt ut audiatur vox ab illis, et quoque dum loquuntur et intrant in cogitationem, non auditur aliter quam quod ibi sint, angeli, qui magica non curant, vident et indicant ubi sunt, sed non possunt resisti, nisi prius evolvatur magicum illud; fasciolis quandoque inserunt alia, quae ex aliqua affectione trahunt.

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