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《灵界经历》 第4596节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4596

4596. For several days, perhaps a week or two, they came to me in crowds, because when they were with me they were able to see the world and thus be in an actual bodily state. As soon as they arrived, they flew into my thought, which they kept so bound that I had no freedom to think, and they also, for the most part spoke from elsewhere by using their magical [wands], which were unwrapped with me looking on. And as a result they were seen where they were, and from there they were sent into a hell that is to the right further back, but not far.

[2] In that hell, because they are unable to possess others in this fashion and to act as one, thus cannot be conspirators, they there attack each other in similar fashion. Many form groups against many, and the sirens that are more powerful than the others treat them miserably and mercilessly. But the fiercest are removed, and those who are so very cruel are sent into caverns, where they cannot do such things.

[3] The angels have the hells under their control and keep all things there in check, and this ability comes from the Lord, otherwise the torments would be perpetual and their state extremely deplorable due to the horrendous condition in which they are.

[4] There is such a multitude of such spirits that it is scarcely believable, and very many are from the Church. They are destructive of the human race as well, obsessing the deeper aspects of a person, and inspiring every kind of filthy and criminal behavior.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4596

4596. For several days, perhaps a week or two, they came to me in crowds, because, with me, they were able to see the world, and thus to be in the very corporeal [state] and, as soon as they arrived, they flew upon my thought, which they kept so bound that I had no liberty of thinking, and also, as a climax, they spoke from elsewhere, by means of their magical paraphernalia, which, when I perceived, were unfolded; and, so, they were descried where they were, and sent thence into a hell, which is at the right, somewhat to the back, and not far off. In that hell, since they are not able thus to obsess others, and to act in unison, thus to be accomplices, they there mutually assail each other in a similar way. Many associate themselves against many; and those who overcome treat the others miserably, without any mercy. But the ferocious ones among them are removed; and those who are especially cruel are cast into caverns, where they are not able to do such things. The angels continually hold the hells in subjection to themselves, and temper all things there, and this from the Lord; otherwise, the tortures would be perpetual, and the states in the highest degree deplorable, by reason of the cruelty in which they are. So great is the multitude of such, that it can scarcely be credited; and very many are from the Church. They are destructive, even of the human race. They obsess the interiors of man, and inspire everything filthy and nefarious.

Experientiae Spirituales 4596 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4596. Per aliquot dies, forte septimanam unam vel binas, venerunt turmatim ad me, quia apud me potuerunt videre mundum, et ita in ipso corporeo esse, et ut primum advenerunt, involarunt in cogitationem, quam ita vinctam tenebant, ut nullum mihi liberum cogitandi esset, et quoque utplurimum loquuti aliunde per magica sua, quae vidente me evoluta sunt, ac ita conspecti ubinam essent, et inde missi in infernum, quod ad dextrum posterius, non procul. In inferno illo, quia non possunt ita obsidere alios, et unam rem agere, ita consentientes esse, ibi se mutuo aggrediuntur similiter, consociant se plures contra plures, et quae superant, miserabiliter absque ulla misericordia tractant alios; sed eximuntur ferociae earum, et quae ita crudeles sunt mittuntur in cavernas, ubi talia non possunt facere. Angeli sub se inferna habent et moderantur omnia ibi, et hoc ex Domino, alioquin forent cruciatus perpetui, et status summe lamentabiles ex diritate in qua sunt. Tanta multitudo talium est, ut vix credi queat, plerique ex Ecclesia: sunt pernicies, etiam generis humani, obsident interiora hominis, et inspirant quaecunque spurca et facinorosa.

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