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《灵界经历》 第4608节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4608

4608. Inflow

Such as human beings are in their organic beginnings, so they are in the whole, for the whole is a continuum from those beginnings, just as are the little tissues that flow out from their beginnings and spread themselves throughout the whole body. Such as are those beginnings, such are all things that issue from them, thus the whole human being. Hence the whole human being is such, and even the spiritual aura around the person, ranging outward not only from the imagery and feelings of thoughts in the brain, but from all sides, namely from the whole body, for the very least elements through derivation from the beginnings make a one.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4608

4608. INFLUX.

(Such as man is in his organic principles, such is he in the whole; for the whole is continuous from those principles just as are the fibrillae, which flow forth from his principles and spread themselves throughout the whole body. As those principles are, so are all things which are from them, thus the whole man; hence the man, however great his bulk, is such; and hence there is a spiritual sphere around him, not only from the ideas and affections of the thoughts in the brain, but from all parts, to wit, from the whole body; for the minutest particulars make one, by derivation from the principles.)

Experientiae Spirituales 4608 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4608. Influxus

Homo qualis est in principiis suis organicis, talis est in toto, nam totum est continuum ex principiis illis, sicut sunt brillae quae ex suis principiis effluunt, et se diffundunt per totum corpus, qualia sunt principia illa, talia sunt omnia quae ab illis, ita totus homo, inde homo est totus quantus talis, inde sphaera spiritualis circum illum, non solum ab ideis et affectionibus cogitationum in cerebro, sed ab undique, nempe a toto corpore, nam singula per derivationem a principiis unum faciunt.

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