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《灵界经历》 第4607节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4607

4607. Inflow

The human being has been created a complete image of the macrocosm, an image of heaven and an image of the world, the inner part into the image of heaven, the outer part into the image of the world. Therefore it has been provided by the Divine that through mankind the Divine passes over from the spiritual world into the earthly world, and is grounded in the lowest region of nature, namely in the bodily part, and thus that by means of mankind there will be a connection of the spiritual world with the earthly one so that then by means of mankind, universal nature may attribute glory to the Creator.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4607

4607. INFLUX.

(Man was created after the entire image of the macrocosm - after the image of heaven, and after the image of the world. His internal is after the image of heaven, his external after the image of the world. Wherefore, it was thus provided, by the Divine, that the Divine may pass over, by means of man, from the spiritual world into the natural world, and be terminated in the ultimate of nature, to wit, in the corporeal [of man], and thus, through man, there should be connection of the spiritual world with the natural world; so that, by means of man, universal nature may glorify the Lord the Creator.)

Experientiae Spirituales 4607 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4607. Influxus

Homo ad omnem imaginem macrocosmi creatus est, ad imaginem coeli, et ad imaginem mundi, internum ejus est ad imaginem coeli, externum ad imaginem mundi, quapropter ita provisum est a Divino, ut Divinum per hominem transeat a mundo spirituali in mundum naturalem, et terminetur in ultimo naturae, nempe in corporeo, et sic per hominem nexus erit mundi spiritualis cum mundo naturali, ut sic per hominem universa natura gloriam tribuat Creatori.

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