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《灵界经历》 第4610节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4610

4610. In the entire body nothing else constitutes life than the changes and variations of the forms in the substances there. Thus, for example, when a person speaks, then for every word or articulation of sound, there is a variation of the form of the glottis, trachea, and lungs, and of the throat, tongue, mouth, and area around the mouth. Countless such variations of form are presented within a moment there, even though in the body. This produces human speech. What may there not be in man's inward regions, where all things are more perfect, and thousands and tens of thousands of variations are happening in the time when only one thing is happening in the outward or bodily region?

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4610

4610. In the entire body, there is nothing else that constitutes the life than the changes and variations of the forms in the substances there: as, for example, when man speaks, then is varied, according to every word, or sound of articulation, the form of the glottis, of the trachea, of the lungs, of the throat, of the tongue, of the mouth, and of the plane about the mouth. Untold numbers of such variations of form are established there within a minute, although this is in the body. Hence is the speech of man. What may there not be in the interiors of man, where all things are more perfect, and thousands and myriads of variations exist in the time when there is but one in the exteriors, or corporeals!

Experientiae Spirituales 4610 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4610. In universo corpore nihil aliud est, quod ibi facit vitam, quam mutationes et variationes formarum in substantiis ibi, sicut pro exemplo, cum loquitur homo, tunc secundum omnem vocem seu soni articulationem variatur forma glottidis, tracheae, pulmonum, et gutturis, linguae, oris, et planum circum os, tales variationes formae intra minutum ibi, tametsi in corpore, innumerae sistuntur; inde loquela hominis; quid non in interioribus hominis, ubi omnia perfectiora, et variationum millia et myriades existunt tempore cum solum unum in exterioribus seu corporeis.

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