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《灵界经历》 第4611节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4611

4611. About Inflow

There is a constant inflow of hell through emissary spirits, but conversely, there is a constant inflow of heaven through angels. Angels continually moderate the inflow from hell and try to turn it away. But the angels flow particularly into faith's truths and the goodness of faith's loving kindness that has been imprinted on it. Therefore, if people do not have such qualities and concern, aid cannot be brought to them from heaven but is swept away as if by a river from hell, as to their thoughts; and then the Lord acts through the angels into external considerations, which are called outer restraints, so that they may live well and not do harm to the neighbor lest they lose their profits, their honor, life and reputation, and so on. Thus they are ruled in outward ways.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4611


(There is a continual influx from hell, through emissary spirits; but, on the other hand, there is a continual influx from heaven, through angels. These constantly restrict the influx from hell, and endeavor to turn it aside. But the angels especially inflow into the truths of faith, and into the goods of his [the man's] charity, which are impressed upon him. Wherefore, if a man has not such things, and does not care for them, no assistance can be rendered him from heaven, but, as regards his thoughts, he is carried away like a stream, by hell. And then the Lord operates, through angels, into his externals, what are called external bonds, to wit, that he may live well, and not do evil to the neighbor, lest his wealth should perish besides his honor, life, reputation, and so forth. Thus he is ruled by external means.)

Experientiae Spirituales 4611 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4611. De Influxu

Influxus continuus est ab inferno per spiritus emissarios, at vicissim est influxus continuus e coelo per angelos, hi continue moderantur influxum ab inferno, et illum avertere tentant; sed angeli imprimis influunt in vera fidei et in bona charitatis ejus, quae ei impressa sunt, quare si homo non talia habet, nec curat, non auxilium ferri potest e coelo, sed aufertur sic[ut] flumine ab inferno, quoad cogitationes; et tunc Dominus per angelos agit in externa, quae vincula externa vocantur, nempe ut bene vivat, nec proximo faciat malum, ne pereat lucrum ejus, honor ejus, vita, et fama, et sic porro, ita regitur externis modis.

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