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《灵界经历》 第4613节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4613

4613. I know from many years' experience that it is so, that the hells inject evils and falsities and pervert goods and truths and attack humanity in a thousand ways and with a thousand tricks, and that in an instant the Lord out of heaven [counteracts this] through the angels. They turn them away, take them away, soften and temper them. This has happened to me continually over many years. But there must be truths of faith joined with the goodness of charity into which they may flow, otherwise they do not have a plane [into which they can be received].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4613

4613. That the case is thus - that hell injects evils and falses, and they pervert goods and truths and assail man by a thousand modes and arts; and that the Lord, out of heaven, through the angels, averts, carries away, mitigates, and checks those things, in an instant - I know by many years experience. This has happened to me constantly for several years. But the truths of faith must be joined to the goods of charity, into which they [the angels] inflow: otherwise, they have not any plane.)

Experientiae Spirituales 4613 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4613. Quod ita se habeat, quod infernum injiciat mala et falsa, et pervertant bona et vera, et mille modis et artibus aggrediantur hominem, et quod Dominus per angelos e coelo, avertant illa, tollant, mitigent, moderentur, in instanti, per plurium annorum experientiam scio, hoc mihi continue per tot annos, factum est, sed erunt vera fidei juncta bonis charitatis, in quae influent, alioquin non habent aliquod planum.

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