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《灵界经历》 第4614节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4614

4614. About the tongue, those by whom it is afflicted with pain and made rigid, inflow

There are spirits, almost invisible, to the left, at the level of the higher part of the head. They appear in a society. When they drift up, from a hell quite far from there, and when they are then present, they at once bring pain to the top left side of the tongue. And if they become more fully active, they bring pain more deeply into the tongue, which they at length make rigid on the side, to the point that I was unable to eat anything on account of the pain that arose when chewing with the tongue on that side. And it also flowed into the speech, so that I could scarcely speak out loud.

[2] They operate into that part of the tongue from which there is communication from the left ear upwards in the left side of the head even to the skull there, also toward the left eye and downward into the left side of the chest down to certain toes of the sole of the left foot that are governed by the thigh.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4614


There are spirits, nearly invisible, to the left, in the plane of the upper part of the head. They make their appearance in consociation; and these, when they flow near, which is [done] from a far-distant hell, -when these are present, they immediately affect with pain the top of the left part of the tongue; and, if they operate more fully, it is still deeper into the tongue, which, at the part [on which they operate], they at length make rigid, so that I could not have eaten anything on account of the pain which existed when the tongue was folded at that part; and it also flowed into my speech, so that I could hardly speak articulately. They operate into that part of the tongue from which there is a communication from the left ear, upwards, into the left side of the head, as far as the skull there, also to the left eye, and, downwards, into the left side of the breast, right on to certain toes of the sole of the left foot, which depend on the thigh.

Experientiae Spirituales 4614 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4614. De Lingua, a quibus dolore afficitur, et rigida redditur, influxus

Sunt spiritus paene inconspicui, ad sinistrum, in plano partis superioris capitis, apparent in societate, qui cum alluunt, quod est ab inferno inde longinquius, illi cum adsunt, statim dolore afficiunt summitatem partis sinistrae linguae, et si plenius operantur adhuc altius in linguam, quam demum ab illa parte rigescentem faciunt, adeo ut non potuerim aliquid comedere, propter dolorem, qui existebat cum plicaretur lingua ab illa parte; et quoque influebat in loquelam, ut vix possem loqui alte. Operantur in illam partem linguae, e qua communicatio ab aure sinistra est sursum in capitis partem sinistram, usque ad cranium ibi, etiam ad oculum sinistrum, et deorsum in sinistram pectoris partem, usque ad digitos quosdam plantae pedis sinistri, quae dependet a femore.

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