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《灵界经历》 第4615节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4615

4615. They are the kind who in the life of the body had spoken much in outward form about faith and charity and had simulated piety in every way to the extent of convincing others that this was their character, and yet inwardly were criminal and prone to all wickedness and lacking any conscience. Whenever those outer appearances were ineffective or absent, they would rush into those wicked and criminal deeds without any piety, and without any conscience. That is their character.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4615

4615. These are such as in the life of the body spoke much, in external form, concerning faith and charity, and as feigned piety in every manner, to the end that they might persuade others that they were [really] of such a character; and yet, inwardly, they were criminal, inclined to everything nefarious, and destitute of all conscience. And, if those external appearances could not be produced, or would not remain, they would then rush into those nefarious and criminal deeds without any piety, and without any conscience. Such is their true quality.

Experientiae Spirituales 4615 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4615. Sunt tales, qui in vita corporis in externa forma de fide et charitate multum loquuti, et qui pietatem simularunt omni modo, adeo ut persuaserint aliis, quod tales fuerint, et tamen intus facinorosi ad omne nefarium proni, absque ulla conscientia, dummodo externae illae apparentiae non efficerentur, seu non essent, tunc ad nefaria illa et facinorosa, absque ulla pietate, et absque ulla conscienta ruerent; tales sunt.

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