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《灵界经历》 第4619节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4619

4619. Inflow

All the goodness of the love in God flows in from the Lord through heaven, because out of Love or Mercy, He wills to join all people to Himself through the goodness of love toward the neighbor in which He is present, because He himself has that love, namely, the love of all of mankind. He flows into faith's truths through those many kinds of goodness. For all those things that teach what love is are called truths, how it must be practiced toward the neighbor, and also that give support to doing this, consequently the things that cause a person to care for others, thus which make for his eternal salvation.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4619

4619. INFLUX.

(From the Lord, through heaven, inflows all the good of love to God, because He wishes to conjoin man to Himself out of love or mercy; and [it inflows] by means of the good of love towards the neighbor, wherein He is present, because Himself is in that love, to wit, [love] towards every man. He inflows into the truths of faith, by means of those goods; for all those things are called truths which teach what love is and how it ought to be exercised toward the neighbor, and which confirm these things, consequently, which cause man to be in charity, and thus again, which constitute his eternal salvation.

Experientiae Spirituales 4619 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4619. Influxus

A Domino per coelum influit omne bonum amoris in Deum, quia sibi conjungere vult hominem ex Amore seu Misericordia, et per bonum amoris erga proximum, in quo est praesens, quia ipse in illo amore est, nempe erga omnem hominem; influit in vera fidei per bona illa, nam omnia illa dicuntur vera, quae docent quid amor, quomodo erga proximum exercendus, et quae confirmant illa, consequenter quae faciunt hominem, ut sit in charitate, ita quae faciunt ejus salutem aeternam.

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