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《灵界经历》 第4620节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4620

4620. When the angels flow into people, they flow into what is good in them as much as possible, and through this goodness into the truths they had impressed on themselves and had become convinced of. In this way they withhold them from falsities and protect them from evils. When they flow into what is good with them, they also flow into truths, for they are joined together, and when they flow into truths they also flow into what is good. The fact is that they flow into the qualities that are with the people, for they cannot arouse any others. And when they flow into truths, they then flow into the feelings for truth, and the reverse. That they arouse truths especially by means of affection may be seen in no. 5893. 1


1. I.e. of Arcana Coelestia.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4620

4620. When angels inflow with man, they inflow into his goods, as far as possible, and, by the goods, into truths, namely, those which man had impressed on himself and convinced himself of. Thus they restrain him from falses, and protect him from evils. When they inflow into his goods, they also inflow into the truths, and when into the truths, they also inflow into the goods, for they are conjoined. The case is thus: they inflow into such things as are with man (for they are unable to call forth others), and, when into the truths, then into the affection of truth - and the reverse. Especially do they call forth truths by means of affection. See n. 5893 [AC].

Experientiae Spirituales 4620 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4620. Angeli cum influunt apud hominem, influunt in ejus bona quantum possunt, et per bona in vera, quae nempe homo sibi impresserat, et persuaserat, ita tenent illum a falsis et tutantur a malis; cum influunt in bona ejus, etiam influunt in vera, nam conjuncta sunt, et cum in vera etiam influunt in bona; ita se habet, influunt in talia quae apud hominem sunt, nam alia excitare nequeunt, et cum in vera tunc in affectionem veri, et vicissim; imprimis per affectionem excitant vera, videatur n: 5893. 1


1. h.e. Arcanorum Coelestium

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