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《灵界经历》 第4629节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4629

4629. About Inflow

The inflow into the whole of heaven is from the Divine Human of the Lord. Consequently, because there the Divine Human is all in all things, the whole of heaven portrays a human being, and the individual parts of the human organism correspond to all the societies there.

[2] The whole heaven collectively and the Lord individually flows into each angel with the result that they all have a human form, and because they are in heaven, it is an exceptionally brilliant and an exceptionally beautiful form, such that if you were to see it, you would be dumbfounded and would say that such an appearance is beyond all belief, And they have such a human form because the Lord individually flows into each one, and heaven collectively into each one, and each one reciprocally into heaven. This results from the unity produced by mutual love, which is charity, and through the resulting conjunction with the Lord.

[3] This shows plainly that the Human of the Lord is Divine by the fact that the Lord as to the Human also is Divine, and that He assumed the Human in order to make it like the Human of Jehovah that had been before, namely, when He passed through heaven He was Divine Man - now even more so.

[4] The inflow from there is into every human being, for their inward elements are formed into the image of heaven, their outward into corresponding ones, so that the inward elements of the human being are a heaven in least form. The inflow into the human beings as into a little heaven is from the Lord individually and universally, and into heaven as a whole and as to its parts.

[5] This is the reason why evil spirits and demons, because they do not correspond, appear in the light of heaven as monsters. There are some so horrible that they cannot be described; there are some in which the shapes of wild animals show themselves, and so on.

About inflow

[6] Those who are in sensuous light are seldom if ever able to abide in goodness and truth, that is to say, to have goodness and truth, or their country, or what is just as their end, but only themselves, their own profit, and their own honor.

[7] All adulterers, those who have taken pleasure in adultery, are in the sensory light of the senses. They reject all the tenets of faith and charity, also in fact, all the matters that normally give access to any inward light. Those who are pleasure seekers and also those who are greedy are in such light.

[8] I was let into that light, and whenever I came into it evil and falsity flowed in, disgraceful things against the Lord, heaven, goodness and truth, also filthy and foul things, especially lust for adulteries. The reason is that spirits of this character are in that light and then inflow, and there are few who have allowed themselves to be regenerated as far as the sensory or the outer earthly level. As soon as I was withdrawn from that earthly light into inward earthly light, which happened when very many foul things were occurring, I was then removed from them and came into thought about and belief in what is good and true, etc.

People are to a great extent in sensory light, but there are those who with this are alternately in light of an inwardly natural quality, and those who are evil are led by inwardly evil spirits. Those who are prone to deceive penetrate still more deeply, and the whole earthly part is infected; for they lead the thoughts by their sensory ones toward inward ones where there are goods and truths, and these they cast out or profane.

[9] Among this worthless gang are very many who have lifted their thoughts above sensuous matters, and these are the ones who fear neither God nor man, and regard murders, adulteries, and such things as nothing. But among them there are those who are instilled with goodness, who had lifted up their thoughts by such things as belong to civil and moral and also spiritual life. Some of them are less sensuous than the educated, inwardly understanding what the educated do not.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4629


(The influx into the universal heaven is from the Divine Human of the Lord. Hence, inasmuch as the Divine Human is there the all in all, the universal heaven represents a man; and, to all the societies there, the most minute particulars with man, correspond.) (The universal heaven in general, and the Lord in particular, inflows into every single angel - hence his human form; and, since he is in heaven, he is in the most splendid and beautiful form, so that, if you saw, you would be amazed, and say that such beauty surpasses all belief: and he has such a human form, because the Lord inflows, in particular, into everyone, and heaven in general into everyone, and everyone reciprocally into heaven. This happens from union, through mutual love, which belongs to charity, and through conjunction, thence, with the Lord. Hence it may be clearly apparent, that the Human of the Lord is Divine; and, in respect to that by virtue of which He is the Lord, and as to His being the Lord, He is Divine even as to the Human; and that He put on the Human in order that He might make it like the Human of Jehovah was previously, to wit, such that when He passed through heaven, He should be a Divine Man - still more so is He, now. The influx thence is into every man; for his interiors are formed according to the image of heaven, his exteriors according to correspondence. Wherefore, the interiors of man are heaven in the least form. Influx from the Lord, into him, as into a very little heaven, is into every single part and into the whole man: heaven also [inflows], in a general and in a particular manner. Hence, now, it is, that evil spirits and genii, because they do not correspond, appear, in the light [lux] of heaven, as monsters, some so dreadful that they cannot be described, some manifesting the forms of brute animals, and so forth.)


(Those who are in sensual light [lumen], can very rarely, if ever, be in good and truth, or have for their end good and truth, consequently, not their country nor justice, but only themselves, their own profit and their own honor. In sensual light [lumen], are all those adulterers who have taken pleasure in adulteries. These reject all things of faith and charity, yea also such things as are wont to introduce to any interior light [lux]. In such light [lumen], also, are the voluptuous; and in such light [lumen] the avaricious, likewise, are. I was let into that light [lumen]; and, as often as I came into it, there inflowed evil and falsity; abominable things against the Lord, against heaven, and against good and truth; and impure and foul things, especially the lascivious things of adulteries. The reason is, because spirits of such a character, are in that light [lumen]; and then [when a man is in it] they inflow - and there are few [only] who have suffered themselves to be regenerated, even as far as the sensual, or exterior natural, degree. As soon as I was withdrawn from that light [lumen] into the light [lumen] of the interior natural, which occurred at a time when very many foul things presented themselves, then was I removed from them, and I came into thought and faith concerning good and truth; but man is, to a great extent, in sensual light [lumen]. Those, however, who are in the light [lumen] of the interior natural, alternately with the former, and who are evil, are led by interior evil spirits. Those who are deceitful, approach still more interiorly, and the whole natural is infected; for thoughts are conducted from their sensuals towards interiors, where are goods and truths, and these they cast out or profane. Amongst the vile crew, are very many who have never elevated the thoughts above sensuals, and these are they who fear neither God nor men. They regard murders, adulteries, and such things, as of no account. But, amongst those who are in good, who have elevated their thoughts by means of such things as pertain to civil and moral and also to spiritual life, some of them are less sensual than the learned. They perceive interiorly, which the learned do not do.)

Experientiae Spirituales 4629 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4629. De Influxu

Influxus in universum coelum, est a Divino Humano Domini, inde quia Divinum Humanum ibi est omne in omnibus, universum coelum repraesentat hominem, et omnibus societatibus ibi correspondent singula apud hominem.

[2] Universum coelum in communi, et Dominus in particulari influit in unumquemvis angelum, inde ei forma humana, et quia in coelo, in forma splendidissima, et pulcherrima, ut si videres obstupesceres, et diceres quod talis species transcendat omnem fidem; forma ei humana et talis est, quia Dominus in particulari influit in unumquemvis, et coelum in communi in unumquemvis, et unusquisque reciproce in coelum, hoc fit ex unione per amorem mutuum, qui charitatis, et per conjunctionem inde cum Domino.

[3] Inde constare potest manifeste, quod Humanum Domini sit Divinus, per quod Dominus quoad Humanum etiam Divinus sit; et quod assumsit Humanum, ut faceret id sicut Humanum Jehovae fuerat prius, nempe quod cum transivit per coelum, fuerit Divinus Homo; nunc adhuc magis.

[4] Influxus inde est in omnem hominem, nam interiora ejus sunt ad imaginem coeli formata, exteriora ad correspondentias, quare interiora hominis sunt coelum in minima forma: influxus in illum ut in parvulum coelum est a Domino singulariter et universaliter, et coelum communiter et particulariter.

[5] Inde nunc est, quod mali spiritus et genii, quia non correspondent, in luce coeli appareant ut monstra, quaedam tam horrenda, ut describi nequeant, quaedam, in quibus animalium brutorum formae elucent, et sic porro.

De influxu

[6] Qui sunt in lumine sensuali, rarissime si unquam possunt esse in bono et vero, seu pro fine habere bonum et verum, proinde non patriam, non justum, sed modo se, suum lucrum, et suum honorem.

[7] In lumine sensuali sunt omnes adulteri, qui jucundum in adulteriis perceperunt, illi rejiciunt omnia fidei et charitatis, imo etiam talia quae solent ad interiorem aliquam lucem intromittere, in tali etiam lumine sunt voluptuosi: et quoque in tali avari.

[8] Missus sum in lumen illud, et quoties illuc veni, influebat malum et falsum, scandalosum contra Dominum, coelum, bonum et verum, spurca et foeda, imprimis lasciva adulteriorum; causa est, quia spiritus qui tales, in illo lumine sunt, et tunc influunt: et pauci sunt qui regenerari se passi sunt usque ad sensuale, sive exterius naturale; ut primum subtrahebar ab illo lumine, in lumen interioris naturalis, quod fiebat cum perplura foeda obvenirent, tunc exemptus fui illis, et in cogitationem et fidem de bono et vero veni, etc. Homo in lumine sensuali multum est, sed sunt qui in lumine interioris naturalis, hoc alternative, et qui mali, ducuntur a spiritibus interioribus malis; qui dolosi, adhuc interius vadunt, et inficitur totum naturale, nam abducunt a sensualibus suis cogitationes versus interiora, ubi sunt bona et vera, et illa ejiciunt vel prophanant.

[9] Inter turbam vilem sunt perplures, qui nusquam supra sensualia elevarunt cogitationes, et illi sunt, qui nec Deum timent, nec homines, neces, adulteria, et talia pro nihilo aestimant: at inter illos sunt, qui in bono, qui per talia quae vitae civilis, et moralis, et quoque spiritualis, elevarunt cogitationes, quidam eorum sunt minus sensuales quam eruditi, percipiunt interius quod non eruditi.

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