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《灵界经历》 第4630节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4630

4630. Inflow

The interaction of all the organs, membranes, and viscera has been discussed at the end of the Chapters [i.e. Arcana Coelestia 2987-5573] so that from this it might be known that there is an inflow out of the spiritual world not only into man's inward elements in general, but also into their individual elements down to even the bodily ones. For there is an inflow into the bodily parts' functions and uses, and when there is an inflow into these, there is also an inflow into their forms, for uses and their forms make a one, like the principal and the instrumental. For these two must be together in order that anything may be produced, and when anything is produced, they both constitute a single cause.

[2] Thus when inflow out of the spiritual world takes place into the use of an organ, for this latter has been formed entirely for a use, like the instrumental for its principal, like the eye for sight, when the inflow takes place into sight it also takes place into the eye, its organ, and so forth. In order that people might be convinced that there is an inflow out of the spiritual world into their individual elements, these interactions have therefore now been spoken of, also for the reason that the outward parts of the Word are symbolic of the spiritual things with which they interact.

About those who throw themselves into the breathing

There were many among evil spirits who rush into the breathing. 1


1. This apparently unfinished and unnumbered paragraph seems to have been deleted.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4630

4630. INFLUX.

(The correspondence of all the organs, members, and viscera, has been treated of at the end of chapters [27-42 of Genesis] in Arcana Coelestia, to the end that it may thence be known that there is influx from the spiritual world, not only into the interior man in general, but also into his separate parts, even to the corporeals; for the influx is into the functions and uses of the corporeals, and since into them, it is also into their forms, for uses and their forms make a one, just as the principal and the instrumental; for these two must be together in order that anything may be effected; and when anything is effected, they both make one cause. Thus, when influx from the spiritual world into the use of an organ takes place, it takes place into the organ itself; for this is wholly formed for the sake of the use, as is the instrumental for the sake of its principal, as, for instance, the eye for the sake of sight. When influx into sight takes place, it also takes place into the eye, or its organ, and so forth. In order that man might be convinced that there is influx from the spiritual world into a man's separate parts, therefore these correspondences have been there treated of; and, moreover, for the reason that the exteriors of the Word are significative of spiritual things, whereto they correspond.)


There were many of the evil spirits, who injected things subject to them [subjecta] into the respiration.)

Experientiae Spirituales 4630 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4630. Influxus

De correspondentia omnium organorum, membrorum, et viscerum actum est, ad finem Capitum - -eo fine, ut inde sciretur, quod influxus sit e mundo spirituali non solum in hominis interiora in communi, sed etiam in singula ejus, usque ad corporea, influxus enim est in functiones et usus corporeorum, et cum in illos etiam est in formas, nam usus et formae eorum unum faciunt, sicut principale et instrumentale, nam haec duo simul erunt, ut aliquid fiat, et cum aliquid fit, utrumque facit unam causam, ita cum e spirituali mundo fit influxus in usum organi, fit in ipsum organum, hoc enim prorsus formatum est ad usum, ut instrumentale ad suum principale, sicut oculus ad visum; cum in visum fit influxus, fit quoque in oculum seu organum ejus, et sic porro; ut convinceretur homo quod influxus sit e spirituali mundo in hominis singula, ideo de correspondentiis tunc est actum; tum quoque ob causam, quod Verbi exteriora sint significativa spiritualium quibus correspondent.

De illis qui projiciunt se in respirationem

Fuerunt plures ex malis spiritibus qui subjecta injecerunt in respirationem. 1


1. haec paragarphus inabsoluta, lineis pinguibus transversis deleta, potius omittenda esse apparet

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