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《灵界经历》 第4635节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4635

4635. About Sirens

It was observed that there are many sorts of Sirens, for when they were passing over to their hell some then drifted in below, some above, some through the province of the stomach, some through the province of the sole of the foot, some through other provinces, and some are scarcely visible. They are above, but all of them were thrust down into hell through openings, which I saw, below and above, and those of them in hell who wanted to extricate themselves from it were thrust down more deeply. In short, Sirens are the most pernicious of all. Taking sides with various hells, they intermingle with every evil and think about nothing else than attacking inward qualities. They inject themselves into them at once and at first follow the thinking of another and soon lead it, thus taking away all freedom to think in a good and true manner. In this way they all take away spiritual life. There is a huge number of such sirens coming out of Europe at this day.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4635


It was observed that sirens are of manifold kinds; for, when they passed to their hell, some passed by beneath, some above, some through the province of the stomach, some through the province of the soles of the foot, some through other provinces; and some are imperceptible, who are above: but all those are thrust down into hell, through openings, which I have seen, below and above; and those of them, in their hell, who wished to extricate themselves thence, were thrust down more deeply. In a word, the sirens are the most pernicious of all. They make a league with various hells. They intermix in all evil, and think of nothing else than how they may obsess the interiors. They at once inject themselves thither, and first follow the thought of another, and next lead it; in this way, they take away all freedom of thinking well and truly; thus, they all take away spiritual life. Such are in immense number, at this day, from Europe.

Experientiae Spirituales 4635 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4635. De Sirenibus

Observatum est, quod Sirenes sint ex pluri sorte, nam cum transiebant ad infernum suum, tunc quaedam alluebant infra, quaedam supra, quaedam per provinciam ventriculi, quaedam per provinciam plantarum pedis, quaedam per alias provincias, et quaedam inconspicuae sunt, quae supra, sed omnes illae detrusae sunt in infernum, per aperturas, quas vidi, infra et supra, et quae illarum in inferno se inde vellent evolvere, detrudebantur profundius. Verbo Sirenes sunt omnium perniciosissimae, cum variis infernis partes faciunt, in omni malo intersunt, et nihil aliud cogitant quam ut obsideant interiora, injiciunt se illico illuc, et primum sequuntur cogitationem alterius, et mox ducunt, sic auferunt omne liberum cogitandi bene et vere, ita vitam spiritualem omnes auferunt. Tales sunt ingenti numero hodie, ex Europa.

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