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《灵界经历》 第4634节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4634

4634. Others came afterwards and railed at me without any reason, but they were not of so fierce a mind that they wanted to thrash and inflict bodily harm. But they attacked with words, thus considering the other as a worthless person whom they could treat contemptuously with words. They were young people, who had not yet learned morality and civility in life, and having been charged as such, they were also sent back toward the front at some distance, in front of the left foot, where there were also such spirits. It was not so much a hell, because it was not in the depth but above, where they complained that they were being attacked by the former ones, and that there they did not dare to do anything. But they were told that they could not but be detained there until they put off that animal nature, or until it was removed by such attacks by others, and that they would remain there for a time, longer or shorter, depending on the life they had in those things, and depending on their confirmed principle that such behavior was allowable, and virtually heroic.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4634

4634. Afterwards, others came and behaved abusively without any cause; but they were not of so fierce a disposition as to wish to beat, and inflict harm on the body; but they reviled with words, thus esteeming another as vile, whom they could treat contemptuously with words. They were youthful ones, who have not yet learned the moral and civil life and, being convicted that they were such, they were also remitted forwards, to some distance before the left foot, where also there were such characters. Thus it was not a hell, because not in the deep but above. There, they complained that they were reviled by those there, and that [those] there would hear nothing; but it was said to them that [those] there could not be restrained, until they [the complainers] had laid aside that wild-beast nature, or it should be removed by means of such revilings from others; and that they would remain there a long time, according to their longer or shorter life in those things, and according to the principles embraced, that such things were allowable and almost heroic.

Experientiae Spirituales 4634 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4634. Alii postea venerunt, ac insultarunt absque ulla causa, sed non ita feroci animo ut verberare et damnum inferre vellent corpori, sed insultabant verbis, ita alterum pro vili aestimando, quem possent contemtuose tractare verbis, illi fuerunt juvenes, qui nondum moralem et civilem vitam didicerunt; et convicti quod tales, remissi etiam antrorsum ad aliquam distantiam, ante pedem sinistrum, ubi tales quoque erant; non ita erat infernum, quia non in profundo, sed supra, ibi conquesti sunt, quod insultarentur ab illis, et quod ibi nihil auderent, sed eis dictum, quod ibi non possent non detineri, usque dum ferinam illam naturam exuerent, vel illa removeretur per tales insultationes ab aliis; et quod ibi manerent diu secundum vitam in illis, diuturniorem vel breviorem, et secundum capta principia quod talia essent licita, et quasi heroica.

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