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《灵界经历》 第4638节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4638

4638. About the hell of those who plot against marriage love

Their hell is below the back side of the knees where these are joined to the lower part of the thighs. These plot so maliciously and also penetratingly against marriage love, that it can hardly be told. Their operation penetrates to the heart. Those who are so malicious were driven somewhat to the rear into a hell there deeply where they were shut up so that they can no longer harm anyone. They had been the kind in bodily life who could not stand it when partners lived together in love.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4638


Their hell is under the hinder part of the knees, where these are joined to the lower part of the thighs. They plot so maliciously, and also cunningly, against conjugial love, as can scarcely be told. Their operation penetrates towards the heart. Those who are so malicious, were driven somewhat backwards, and deeply, into the hell there, where they were shut up so that they may not be able to injure anybody any more. They were those who, in the life of the body, would not tolerate married partners living together in love.

Experientiae Spirituales 4638 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4638. De inferno eorum qui insidiantur contra amorem conjugialem

Infernum eorum est sub parte posteriore genuum, ubi ea conjunguntur inferiori parti lumborum, illi tam malitiose et quoque penetranter insidiantur contra amorem conjugialem, ut vix dici posset, penetrat operatio eorum versus cor, illi qui ita malitiosi, aliquantum retrorsum acti sunt in infernum ibi, et ibi profunde, ubi inclusi, ut nemini amplius nocere possunt; fuerant qui in vita corporis non tolerarunt quod conjuges simul in amore viverent.

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