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《灵界经历》 第4652节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4652

4652. The way in which some gentiles from among the Asiatics examine whether they are tending toward heaven, or toward hell

I saw a certain gentile with a dark, blackish face, and he seemed to be from a warm region where there are such people. He was sitting in a coach. The horse that drew it turned around and finally ran off where it wanted, in this instance toward the north there. And before the horse ran off, the gentile marked with a staff the spot where the ride's beginning or starting point was, so that he would know afterwards when he returned whether he was indeed at the place. The angels said that in this way certain gentiles in the other life investigate where they are tending, toward hell or toward heaven, and with what speed. For when they return to the first starting point, they then observe how far away they are, and in what quarter. And from this they know the progress of their life and its direction, for the distances show these things. The reason is that changes of place and progression in the other life are states of life and their progression. That to progress, set out, go, walk, journey, is life, may be seen in [Arcana Coelestia, 8103].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4652


I saw a certain gentile with a dusky blackish face; and it was seen that he came from a warm region, where such as he dwell. He was seated in a chariot. The horse which drew it, turned all round, and, at length, ran whither he would. He proceeded toward the north there; and, before the horse ran, he [the man] marked, with a staff, the spot where was the beginning of the course, or the starting point, so that he might know it afterwards, when he returned, and, also, whether he was in the same place. The angels said, that certain gentiles thus explore, in the other life, whither they are tending, towards heaven, or towards hell, and with what speed; for, when they return to the first starting point, they then observe how far they are distant from thence, and in what direction, and they thence know the progression of their life, and its trend; for distance shows these things. The reason is, because change and progressions of place, in the other life, are states of life and their progressions: that to progress, to advance, to go, to walk, to journey, have reference to life, see [elsewhere].

Experientiae Spirituales 4652 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4652. Modus quo explorant aliqui gentiles ex Asiaticis, num tendant ad coelum vel ad infernum

Vidi quendam gentilem, facie fusca nigricante, et visus quod ex regione calida, ubi tales, ille sedebat in curru, equus qui trahebat flexit circumcirca, et tandem quo volebat equus, excurrebat, hic versus septentrionem ibi, et antequam excurrebat equus signabat locum ubi excursus statio seu carcer baculo, ita ut sciret postea cum rediret, num ibi etiam esset; dicebant angeli, quod ita explorent quidam gentiles in altera vita quo tendant ad infernum vel ad coelum, et qua festinatione, cum enim redeunt ad primum carcerem, tunc observant quantum inde distant, et ad quam plagam, et inde sciunt vitae suae progressionem, et quo, nam distantia illa ostendit, causa est, quia mutatio loci et progressiones in altera vita sunt status vitae, ac progressiones illorum; quod progredi, proficisci, ire, ambulare, peregrinari sit vita, videatur ex ---. 1


1. cf. AC 8103

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