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《灵界经历》 第4656节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4656

4656. About the hell of diabolical demons at the back

At the back are hellish and diabolical demons who are people who had thought evil against the neighbor and were amused by those things, and who also had caused trouble as often as they could without being known, thus secretly by means of others. Such in the other life are at the back, deep down in the crypts, where they are unseen. There was someone there, and he said that they were like birds, fleeing from his sight. They are in swamps on which grass produced from fantasy appears which looks like a meadow to those who come there. But when they go in, they sink down into it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4656


At the back, are infernal and diabolical genii, who are from those men who have thought evil against the neighbor, and delighted themselves therein, and, also, as often as they could without being detected, have inflicted it, secretly, by means of others. In the other life, such are at the back, deep down in vaults: they are invisible there. There was a certain one there; and he said that they were, as it were, volatile, escaping his inspection. They are there in bogs, over which, from phantasy, there appears grass, which looks to those who come to it like a meadow: but when they enter, they are immersed.

Experientiae Spirituales 4656 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4656. De inferno geniorum diabolicorum a tergo

A tergo sunt genii infernales et diabolici, qui sunt ex hominibus qui cogitarunt malum contra proximum, et delectaverunt se in illis, et quoque intulerunt, quoties potuerunt non noti fieri, clandestine per alios, tales in altera vita sunt a tergo profunde in cryptis, ibi sunt inconspicui, fuit quidam ibi, et dixit quod essent sicut volatiles, aufugientes ad conspectum ejus: sunt ibi in paludibus, super quibus ex phantasia apparet gramen, quod apparet illis qui eo veniunt sicut pratum, sed cum intrant, immerguntur.

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