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《灵界经历》 第4671节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4671

4671. Then also, a little paper was let down, written in Hebrew letters such as they wrote them in the most ancient time, differing from the Hebrew letters at this day only little but still somewhat. And the angel who was with me said that he understood everything written there from the individual letters alone, and that each of the letters contained some mental image, indeed the meaning of the mental images, and also said what [yodh], what [aleph], and what [hey] mean. But what the rest signified, he was not allowed to say; but he did say that all things of the Word were inspired in this way, and that consequently when the Word in the Hebrew text is being read by a person on earth, the third heaven knows every inspired heavenly Divine element, and that all and the very least things in it concern the Lord. This meaning cannot be explained, because it is the heavenly meaning itself, not one single mental image of which can be expressed. This all shows that the Word, as the Lord said, has been inspired as to every jot and every tittle [Matt. 5:17, 18].

I spoke with them about how it came about that simply the form of the Hebrew letter should present those things, and it was said that the cause came from the form in which heaven flows, which is of this character. And because those angels are in this flow, which makes the basis of order, they have perception from that.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4671

4671. Then, also, a little paper was let down, written with Hebrew letters, just as they wrote them in the most ancient times. They differ little from the Hebrew letters of the present day, but, nevertheless, [they differ] slightly; and the angel who was with me, said that he comprehended everything which was written there from the letters alone, and that every letter contained some idea, yea, the sense of the ideas; and he also taught me what [yod], what [aleph], and what [hey] signified; but, what the rest [of the letters] signified, it was not permitted him to tell: he said also that all things of the Word are inspired in this manner, and that the third heaven knows thence, when the Word is read by man in the Hebrew text, all the divine-celestial which is inspired, and that each and all the things therein treat of the Lord. Such a sense cannot be explained, because it is the celestial sense, of which not one idea can be expressed. From this it may be apparent, that the Word, according to the Lord's words, is inspired as to every jot and tittle. I spoke with them concerning the origin of that thing, why merely the form of the Hebrew letter should present these things; and the cause was derived from the form of the flow of heaven, which is of such a character; and that, because they [i. e. the letters] are in that flow, which makes the foundation of order, they [i. e. the angels] thence have perception.

Experientiae Spirituales 4671 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4671. Tunc quoque chartula demissa est, scripta literis Hebraicis, sicut scripserint illas tempore antiquissimo, parum differunt a literis hebraicis hodie, sed tamen aliquantulum, et angelus qui apud me, dicebat quod omnia quae scripta ibi essent, comprehenderet, ex solis literis, et quod unaquaevis litera contineret aliquam ideam, imo sensum idearum, et quoque docebat quid quid et quid significabat, at quid caetera non licebat ei dicere, et quoque dicebat quod omnia Verbi ita inspirata sint, et quod tertium coelum sciat inde, cum legatur ab homine in textu hebraico Verbum, omne Divinum coeleste quod inspiratum, et quod omnia et singula inibi agant de Domino, talis sensus non exponi potest, quia est ipse coelestis, cujus idea nec una potest exprimi. Ex his constare potest, quod Verbum secundum Domini verba inspiratum sit quoad unamquamvis jotham, et quoad unumquodvis corniculum [Matth V: 17, [18]. Loquutus sum cum illis de origine illius rei, quod solum forma literae hebraicae sisteret illa, et ducebatur causa ex forma fluxus coeli, quae talis est; et quia illi in uxu illo sunt, qui facit fundamentum ordinis, quod inde illis perceptio.

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