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《灵界经历》 第4670节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4670

4670. About heaven and the Word

I spoke with those who are in the third heaven, whom I was given to understand in part because an angel was then with me. The speech there is entirely different from the speech of the angels of the second heaven, for it is a speech of perception arising from feelings, thus from changes of heaven's warmth supporting the light there. It is impossible to express that speech. They have a sense of all qualities that are there and below, solely from the variations of feeling. With the light contributing, their speech is audible to them, and visible and perceptible to them. Spirits cannot know what it is like, except those who are of the heavenly genius or who are given by the Lord to apprehend it. It contains at the same moment innumerable elements, so that what can be expressed by the speech of the angels of the second heaven in a half hour can be expressed here in a moment; and also very many things that cannot be expressed [at all] by the speech of the second heaven. From this it is plain that the wisdom there cannot be put into words.

In that heaven they all know each other, where they come from and their nature, so that in the whole of that heaven, where there are myriads of myriads, they are still known by every single one. They know by perception what their nature is and what the differences of good qualities and wisdom and intelligence are; and if they desire, to what province in the human body they correspond.

They appeared to me in a flaming, intense brightness and like little children and high up toward the front. It was as if a cloud parted, and thus they came into view.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4670


I spoke with those who are in the third heaven, whom it was granted me to understand in part, because there was an angel with me at the time. The speech which prevails there, differs entirely from the speech of the angels of the second heaven; for it is a perceptive speech from affections, thus from the changes of the heavenly heat, the light there assisting. That speech cannot be expressed. They have a perception of all things which are there, and beneath, solely from the varieties of affection. The light assisting, they have discourse; and it is visible and perceptible to them; nor can spirits, save those who are of the celestial genius, or those to whom it is granted by the Lord to observe it, know of what quality it is. It simultaneously comprehends innumerable things; so that such things as can be expressed by the speech of the angels of the second heaven in a half hour, can here [be expressed] in a moment; and, also, very many things that cannot be expressed in the speech of the second heaven: hence it is clear that the wisdom there is indescribable. In that heaven, all are acquainted with each other, as to whence they are and of what quality; so that, [in] that universal heaven, where are myriads of myriads, still are they [all] known by each individual. They know, from perception, of what quality they are, and what is the difference of their good, wisdom, and intelligence, and, if they desire it, to what province in the human body it corresponds. They appeared to me in a flaming and very great brightness, and like infants; also high in front. There was as it were a cloud, which was opened, and thus they were seen.

Experientiae Spirituales 4670 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4670. De coelo et Verbo

Loquutus cum illis qui in tertio coelo, quos intelligere 65 datum quoad partem, quia angelus tunc erat apud me, loquela quae ibi prorsus differt a loquela angelorum secundi coeli, est enim loquela perceptiva ex affectionibus, ita ex mutationibus caloris coelestis adjuvante luce ibi; loquela illa non exprimi potest, habent perceptionem omnium quae ibi et infra solius affectionis varietatibus, luce adjuvante est illis sonora, et est illis visibilis, et perceptibilis, spiritus nec scire possunt qualis illa, nisi qui ex genio coelesti sunt, aut datum a Domino appercipere, continet simul innumerabilia, ut quae per loquelam angelorum secundi coeli exprimi possunt per semihoram, hic possint in momento, et perplura quae non exprimi loquela secundi coeli possunt, inde quod sapientia ibi sit ineffabilis patet. In illo coelo cognoscunt se omnes, unde sunt et quales sunt, sic ut [in] universo illo coelo, ubi myriades myriadum sunt, usque cognoscantur a singulis, sciunt ex perceptione quales sunt, et quae differentia boni, quae sapientiae et intelligentiae, et si desiderent cui provinciae in humano corpore correspondent. Apparuerunt mihi in flammeo, maxime lucido, et sicut infantes, etiam alte antrorsum, erat sicut nubes quae aperiebatur, et sic conspecti.

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