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《灵界经历》 第4674节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4674

4674. About the heavenly heaven, and about the doors there

I have spoken many times with those who are from the Lord's heavenly kingdom, who flow into the feelings and if into the thoughts, then through the feelings. They appear in the higher aura, above those in the spiritual kingdom, and the higher up they are there, the more perfect they are. I have spoken often and much with those who occupy the middle region and have been informed about their state there. I have seen and noticed that while they indeed remained above in their places, still they were gradually, one after another, transferred from the left toward the right in such a way that there is a kind of innermost gyration that leads them round, of which they themselves are entirely unaware. They suppose that they are always in one same place as long as they are in their dwellings. I also saw a light among them and also a light under them in which there was a little child, which light is so bright that it is many times brighter than the noonday light of the sun on earth. This is incredible, and yet true. I saw it in the midst of darkness and when there was darkness on earth; and while I was watching, a part was opened up below them, which happened as it does when clouds pass by and open up in the middle, and then light appears. Then I also saw them in the midst of the light.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4674


I have frequently spoken with those who are of the celestial kingdom of the Lord, who inflow into the affections, and, if into the thoughts, it is by means of the affections. They appear in a superior sphere, above the spiritual; and this, because the higher they are there, the more perfect are they. I spoke with those who are in the middle region there, both often and much and was informed concerning their state there. I saw and well observed, that they indeed remained above in their places, but that they were continuously transferred, by degrees, and successively, from left to right; so that there is, in some way, an inmost gyration which draws them around, of which they are wholly ignorant. They assert that they are always in one and the same place, so long as they are in their mansions I saw also the light which they have, and also a light beneath, wherein was an infant, and which is so bright that it immensely exceeds the meridian light of the sun in the earth. This is scarcely credible; but still it is true. I saw it in the midst of darkness, and when there was darkness in the earth; and, when I saw it, there was a part opened beneath them, which happened like as when clouds pass by, and are opened in the middle, and then light appears. Then, also, I saw them in the midst of the light.

Experientiae Spirituales 4674 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4674. De coelo coelesti, et de januis ibi

Loquutus sum pluries cum illis qui e regno coelesti Domini sunt, qui influunt in affectiones, et si in cogitationes est per affectiones; illi apparent in superiori sphaera, supra spirituales, et quo altius ibi eo sunt perfectiores, cum illis qui in media regione ibi, saepe et multum loquutus sum, ac informatus de eorum statu ibi; vidi et appercepi, quod quidem manerent supra in suis locis, sed quod usque transferrentur sensim et successive a sinistro ad dextrum, sic ut sit aliqua gyratio intima, quae circumducit, quam ipsi prorsus ignorant, autumant quod in uno eodem loco semper sint quamdiu in suis mansionibus. Vidi quoque lucem apud illos, et quoque lucem infra in qua fuit infans, quae ita candida est, ut permultis parasangis superet lucem meridianam solis in tellure; hoc incredibile est, sed usque verum, vidi in mediis tenebris, cumque tenebrae in terra; et cum vidi aperiebatur pars infra illos, quod factum sicut cum nubes pertranseunt, et aperiuntur in medio, et tunc lux apparet, tunc quoque vidi illos in media luce.

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