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《灵界经历》 第4675节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4675

4675. 1It is worthy of observation that all there dwell among their own in their own habitations, which are mansions, as they are called by the Lord in the Word [John 14:2]. There are rooms, there are halls, there are also pleasure gardens outside that delight them. And then, as I have seen when they wish to see and communicate with those below, they open the doors of the rooms, then of the house, and also of the hall, and as they open them, they are able to communicate, and as they close them communication ceases. From this it is plain why it was said by the Lord that He is the Door and that He is the doorkeeper, that is, that through Him there is mediation. But this is a symbolic portrayal of communications in the lower aura.


1. This paragraph is emphasized marginally by "N.B"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4675

4675. It is worthy of notice, that all there, dwell there, with their kindred, in their own habitations, which are mansions, as they are called by the Lord in the Word. 1There are chambers there; there are halls there; there are also paradises outside, where they enjoy themselves; and then, when they wished to see, and hold communication with, those who are below, they open the doors of the chamber, then of the house, and also of the hall, and as they open these, so they obtain communication, and as they close these, so the communication ceases. This I saw. From these things, it is plain, why it was said by the Lord, that He is the door, and the door-keeper - that is, that mediation is by Him. But such is a representative of the communications into an inferior sphere.


1. e. g. John 14:2.

Experientiae Spirituales 4675 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4675. Quod observatu dignum est, quisque ibi cum suis habitat ibi in habitaculis suis, quae sunt mansiones, ut vocantur a Domino in Verbo [Joh. XIV: 2], sunt ibi conclavia, sunt atria, sunt quoque extra paradisi, ubi se delectant, et tunc cum voluerunt videre et communicationem habere cum illis qui infra sunt, aperiunt januas conclavis, tum domus, et quoque atrii, et sicut aperiunt illas, ita communicationem nanciscuntur, et sicut claudunt, ita communicatio cessat, hoc vidi; ex his patet cur a Domino dictum sit quod Ipse sit Janua, sit janitor, hoc est quod per Ipsum mediatio. Sed tale repraesentativum est communicationum in sphaera inferiore.

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