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《灵界经历》 第4678节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4678

4678. What infestations are like, and doors in heaven

I saw [a scene] in a city consisting of stone buildings and with many inhabitants to which evil demons intent on infesting them had gathered and also entered the houses where the doors were open. But when they felt the aura of goodness and truth there, they began to be tormented, and they then appeared like creeping animals crawling in the streets asking with the greatest anxiety how they could get out, and the exit was then shown to them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4678


I saw into a city, where many dwelt, and which consisted of stone edifices. Thither evil genii betook themselves, for the purpose of infesting them; and also they entered the houses where the doors were open: but, when they felt, there, the sphere of good and truth that was there, they commenced to be tormented, and appeared then like reptiles in the streets, seeking with the greatest anxiety how they might be able to depart thence; and, moreover, a way out was shown them.

Experientiae Spirituales 4678 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4678. Infestationes quales, et januae in coelo

Vidi in urbe ubi plures habitabant, quae erat ex aedificiis lapideis, illuc se contulerunt mali genii, illos infestandi causa, et quoque intraverunt domos ubi januae apertae, sed cum ibi sentirent sphaeram boni et veri ibi, incipiebant cruciari, et apparebant tunc sicut reptilia in plateis, quaerentes cum anxietate summa quomodo inde possent exire, et ostensus quoque est exitus.

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