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《灵界经历》 第4677节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4677

4677. About socializing and friendships in the other life in heaven

When I was in the company of angelic spirits, then I observed that they appeared to me as acquaintances and friends of long standing with whom there is a likeness of mind, or who are in that society, in fact in that province [where I am], even though I had never seen them before. I have observed this on several occasions, and it shows that a person after death accepts many companions, friends, brothers [and sisters], as if they had been acquaintances from early childhood.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4677


When I have conversed with angelic spirits, I have observed that those appeared to me like acquaintances and friends of long standing, with whom there is similitude of soul or who are in the society - indeed, who are in that province - [where I am], although I have never seen them before. This was observed on several occasions. Hence it may be manifest that man, after death, receives many companions, friends and brothers, as if they had been known to him from infancy.

Experientiae Spirituales 4677 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4677. De consociationibus et amicitiis in altera vita in coelo

Quando cum spiritibus angelicis conversatus sum, tunc observavi quod illi appareant mihi sicut noti et amici qui a longo tempore, cum quibus similitudo animi est, seu qui in societate, imo qui in provincia illa sunt, tametsi prius nusquam visi, hoc aliquoties observatum, inde constare potest, quod homo post mortem plures socios, amicos, fratres, sicut sibi ab infantia notos accipiat.

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