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《灵界经历》 第4681节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4681

4681. About the Jesuits, and then the saints

Jesuits who were evil were observed in the other life, because it is believed in the world that they practice cunning and deceit more than others and have a greater love of the world and of self than others, and that to them heavenly qualities are [only a] means of making a profit and obtaining high positions. Among them are those who are good, those who have simple-minded piety, those who are insolently evil, those who are cunning, and those who are deceitful. Those who are good are in heaven; those who are simple and pious appear toward the right in front in a place like a large cistern. When those among them who are cunning and deceitful wish to captivate simple good [spirits] to counsel them, they call them out of that large cavern. Then these ascend as if by stairs, stand together on its edges in a row with book in hand, and pray for those who are above (certain of the latter are from among the Capuchins). These who are insolent and evil are novitiates, but they are mostly youths who are learning magical arts and obviously wish to be in charge. However, because their nature is such, they are rejected by those who are cunning and deceitful, and they are sent into various hells. The cunning ones, however, are seen at the right side toward the front, standing above the cavern. They are careful not to do evil except when they cannot be seen, but still they are unceasingly contemplating evil, for they know that if they inflict evil, they will be exposed and cast into hell. Their number is decreasing, and they do not know where they are going.

[2] The deceitful are some distance from them, at their backside, and also appear to be standing. They likewise take care not to be exposed but in secret still incessantly breathe in [and] inspire others to commit evil, taking the greatest care not to be exposed. When they are exposed to the eyes of angels, they look like a conglomeration of snakes, and their number successively increases and decreases. They repel the ones who are insolent as well as those who are not deceitful, like the simple. They bring together members of their company overhead where in front of them there seems to be something like a chair with a low wall [before it] where sometimes they are seen in a long row and look down below and plot their deceptions. But from there they are repeatedly cast down and drawn below and brought into hell. Those who were in that place farther toward the left are the worst, and [the others] are gradually more simple as they follow one after another toward the right. The deceptions they practice cannot be described. They especially make themselves out to be good and slip their thoughts into societies of good [spirits]. They are present there moving stealthily, so that, if by no other means, [the good spirits] are still captivated by the outward affections of these evil spirits. In addition [they do] many other things by communication of the thoughts around them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4681


I observed those Jesuits who are evil, in the other life, because it is believed, in the world, that they surpass others in cunning and deceit, and in love of the world and of self, and that heavenly things are to them means of profit and of striving for honors. Amongst them, are some who are good, some who are unaffectedly pious, some who are wantonly evil, some who are cunning, and some who are deceitful. Those who are good are in heaven; those who are unaffectedly pious appear at the right, to the front, in a place [which is], as it were, a great cistern. When those of them who are cunning and deceitful wish to entrap the simple good into a consultation, they call those [unaffectedly pious ones] forth from that great terrestrial cavern; and, then, they ascend, as it were, by ladders, and stand together on its borders in a row, with book in hand, and pray for those who are above. (Some of these are of the Capuchins.) Those who are wantonly evil, are those who were not initiated amongst them, but are rather youthful: these learn magic, and openly wish to govern. But these are rejected by those who are cunning and deceitful, because they are of such a character; and they are sent to various hells. The cunning, however, are seen on the right side in front, standing above that cavern. They avoid inflicting evil, unless they cannot be seen; but all the while they think evil continually: they know that if they inflict evil, they will be exposed, and cast into hell. Their number is decreasing, nor do they know whither those [who depart from them] go. The deceitful are more remote from them, at their back; and they, also, appear as if standing. These similarly take care not to be exposed, but constantly breathe in [evil] to everyone, and inspire others to the commission of evil stealthily. They are exceedingly careful lest they be exposed. When they are manifested to the eyes of the angels, they appear like serpents rolled together, and their number successively increases and decreases; for they reject from themselves the wantonly evil, and also those who are not deceitful, for instance, the simple. They cast spirits out of their company, above the head, where there appears before them, as it were a chair, together with a wall. There they are sometimes seen in a long row; and they look down below and devise plots; but they are cast down thence from time to time, and dragged away and cast into hell. Those in that place who are further removed to the left, are of the worst sort; and they are more simple by degrees, according as they succeed each other, in order, to the right. The deceits of these cannot be described. Especially do they feign themselves good, and worm their thoughts into the societies of the good, and are there present, and move stealthily, in order that, if [the good can be misled] no otherwise, they may still be ensnared by the external affections of the evil, besides in many other ways, by means of the communications of thoughts round about.

Experientiae Spirituales 4681 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4681. De Jesuitis, et sic sanctis

Jesuitae in altera vita qui mali, observati sunt, quia creditur in mundo, quod illi prae aliis, in astu et dolo sunt prae aliis, et in amore mundi et sui, et quod coelestia illis sint media lucrandi, et aucupandi honores; sunt inter illos qui boni sunt, qui simpliciter pii, qui petulanter mali, qui astuti et qui dolosi, qui boni sunt in coelo sunt, qui simpliciter pii, illi apparent ad dextrum antrorsum in loco quasi magna cisterna, illi cum astuti illorum et dolosi volunt captare simplices bonos ad consiliendum, evocant illos ex magna illa caverna terrestri, et tunc ascendunt sicut per scalas, et ad ripas ejus in serie consistunt, cum libro in manu, ac orant pro illis qui supra (quidam horum sunt ex Capucinis) : qui petulanter mali, illi sunt qui inter illos non initiati sunt, sed juvenes magis, qui magica discunt, et volunt aperte imperare, sed hi rejiciuntur ab illis qui astuti et dolosi, quia tales, et hi mittuntur in inferna varia; astuti autem visuntur ad latus dextrum antrorsum supra illam cavernam, stantes, cavent sibi malum inferre, nisi cum non possint videri, sed usque malum cogitant continue, sciunt enim quod si malum inferant, manifestentur et conjiciantur in infernum, numerus illorum decrescit, nec sciunt quo illi vadunt. Dolosi sunt remotius ab illis, a tergo illorum, et quoque apparent sicut stantes, illi similiter cavent ne manifestentur, sed usque continue insufflant [et] inspirant alios ad faciendum malum clam, cavent quam maxime ne manifestentur; cum manifestantur ad oculos angelorum apparent sicut serpentes conglomerati, et successive numerus illorum crescit et decrescit, rejiciunt a se petulantes et quoque illos qui non dolosi sunt, sicut simplices; illi conjiciunt ex suis spiritus supra caput ubi quasi apparet sicut cathedra cum pariete ante illos, ibi visuntur quandoque in longa serie, et despectant infra, et machinantur dolos; sed inde dejiciuntur subinde, et detrahuntur et conjiciuntur in infernum, qui in eo loco sunt remotius ad sinistrum illi pejores sunt, et simpliciores per grdus prout succedunt ordine ad dextrum. Horum doli non describi possunt, imprimis se faciunt bonos, et insinuant cogitationes suas societatibus bonorum, et ibi intersunt et clanculum movent, si non aliter usque ut capiantur ab affectionibus externis malorum, praeter plura alia per communicationes cogitationum circumcirca.

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