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《灵界经历》 第4685节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4685

4685. Damned dust appears also elsewhere, and also one who appears to them to be rolled [in it], which is because he is surrounded by such demons and spirits.

Moreover, it was shown that, if such were sent into any heavenly community, they would fill the whole aura with themselves to the point that the rest would be nothing. They would turn whatever they might say to themselves and would talk about themselves and not about heaven and God and the like except for the sake of themselves and their own glory. This reigns throughout. Besides this, angels, who have no more regard for themselves than for others, appear [to them] petty and insignificant, and so relatively worthless. Hence it is evident that they could by no means be in heaven without their presence producing or bringing in filth.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4685

4685. The accursed dust also appears elsewhere; and that he appears to them [the witnesses] to be rolled in it, is because he is surrounded by such genii and spirits. Moreover, it was shown that, if such were let into any heavenly society, they would fill the whole sphere with their own consequence, so that the rest should be nothing; and whatever they might speak would turn to themselves; and they would speak concerning themselves and [not] concerning heaven and God and such things, save on account of self and of self-glory. This is their universal ruling characteristic; and, moreover, angels, who feel nothing for themselves more than for others, appear small and insignificant, and, so, comparatively of no account. Hence it is evident, that they could by no means be in heaven; and, also, that their presence would cause, or introduce, abominations.

Experientiae Spirituales 4685 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4685. Etiam pulvis damnatus alibi apparet, et qui apparet illis [pulveribus] involvi, est quod circumfundatur talibus geniis et spiritibus. Praeterea ostensum si tales mitterentur in societatem aliquam coelestem, quod illi implerent totam sphaeram suo, adeo ut reliqui essent nihili, et quicquid loquerentur reflecterent ad se et de se loquerentur, ac de coelo et Deo, deque talibus, [non] nisi propter se et sui gloriam, haec est universale regnans: et praeterea angeli qui de se nihil plus sentiunt quam de aliis apparent parvi et pusilli, et sic nihili respective, inde constat quod [tales] nequaquam in coelo essent; praeter quod praesentia eorum foeda faceret vel induceret.

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