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《灵界经历》 第4684节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4684

4684. About the damned dust of the hells and about a gathering of spirits

When anyone imagines himself to be greater than others and [desires] to become greater than others in spiritual matters, which is a kind of spiritual pride, he is treated harshly in the other life because he becomes concerned only with bodily matters and fills the aura with himself so that he appears to be in these things. And then he does horrifying things that must remain unspoken. Then he is let all the way into his bodily nature and is transported to the left, far beyond the river, that is to say, the boundary. There a smoking pond of fire also appears. He is brought there and then spirits of such a nature as he was are gathered to him. And it appears to those at a distance as if he were rolled in the dust in every direction, and then as if he were mutilated. It also appears as if he has undergone a change, when nevertheless he is not changed. Thus he is let into the life that he led in the world, for such pride brings with it such things.

Smoking ponds appear also elsewhere, behind, far at the back, for filthy adulterers, and also on the right; toward the front, for those who are cruel.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4684


When anyone thinks himself to be greater than others, and [desires] to become greater than others in spiritual matters, which is a sort of spiritual pride, he is treated harshly in the other life, for he becomes as if corporeal, and fills the sphere from his own, so that he appears, in these things, like himself; and then he does dreadful things, which must be kept secret. Then is he still let into his corporeal state, and is transferred far to the left, above a river, or boundary-line. There also appears there a smoking pond of fire. He is borne thither; and then spirits are collected to him of such quality as he had been; and this appears to those not present, as if he were rolled in the dust, in every direction, and then as if he were mutilated; and it also appears as if he were changed, when yet he is not changed; and thus he is let into the life which he led in the world: for such pride has such a quality in itself. There also appear, elsewhere, smoking ponds, far behind, at the back; for filthy adulterers, also, to the right; forwards, also, for the cruel.

Experientiae Spirituales 4684 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4684. De pulvere damnato infernorum, et de collectione spirituum

Cum quis putat se majorem esse aliis, et fieri aliis in spiritualibus, quae est species superbiae spiritualis, ille duriter in altera vita tractatur, nam fit sicut corporeus, et implet sphaeram ex suo, sic ut appareat in illis sicut ipse, et facit horrenda tunc, quae conticenda sunt; dein is usque ad suum corporeum immittitur, et transfertur ad sinistrum longe supra flumen seu terminum, ibi apparet quoque stagnum fumans igne, illuc fertur, et tunc colliguntur ad illum tales spiritus, qualis ille fuerat, et hoc apparet absentibus sicut volveretur in pulvere, quoquoversum, et tunc sicut truncus, et quoque apparet sicut convertatur, cum tamen non convertitur, et sic immititur in vitam quam habuit in mundo, nam talis superbia secum tale habet. Alibi etiam apparent stagna fumantia, retro longe a tergo pro foedis adulteris, etiam ad dextrum, antrorsum etiam pro crudelibus.

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