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《灵界经历》 第4690节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4690

4690. Some complained when they saw the ability to understand external matters that they had in the world taken away, and they argued about why this is so. But in reply it was said that otherwise, by virtue of their understanding they would be in heaven, and by virtue of their will in hell, which would be a source of confusion. And if their outward understanding remained, then they would use it for supporting evils, so that evil might be in control and the rational faculty its servant. So too they would appear to be angels of light and would mislead the simple who are in the entrance to heaven and not yet prepared, and so would talk them into evils and entirely take away all possibility of their improvement.

[2] And in this way they would also steal from heaven the support upon which it rests, for those who are involved in the lowest matters are like supporting posts. From this is clear that the Divine order is that all be let into their own nature, which they had acquired for themselves in the world, and that they come into this, their own nature, when outer things are laid aside, and they are then left to what is within them, thus to their inner will, or what is the same, their own love.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4690

4690. Some complained, when they saw the intellectual which they had in the world, as regards externals, taken away; and they argued concerning it, why it is so; but they were told that, otherwise, by their intellectual faculty they would be in heaven, and by the voluntary in hell - whence would arise confusion. If, also, the external intellectual should remain, they would use that to confirm evils, so that evil would rule, and the rational would serve. Thus, also, they would disturb the angels of light, and deceive the simple, who are in the entrance to heaven, and not yet prepared, and thus would persuade them to evils, and quite take away all their capability of amendment: and so, also, they would take away from heaven its support; for these are those who are in ultimates, and like supports. Hence it was evident that the Divine order is, that all be remitted into their nature which they have acquired to themselves in the world; and that they come into their nature when externals are removed and they are left to their internals thus to the interior will - in like manner to their own love.

Experientiae Spirituales 4690 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4690. Questi sunt aliqui cum viderent intellectuale quod habuerunt in mundo quoad externa, ademptum, et ratiocinati sunt de eo cur ita sit, sed responsum illis, quod aliter per intellectuale suum essent in coelo, et per voluntarium in inferno, unde confusio; tum si intellectuale externum remaneret, tunc uterentur illo ad comfirmandum mala, sic ut malum dominaretur, et rationale serviret; sic quoque agerent lucis angelos, et deciperent simplices, qui in introitu ad coelum sunt, et nondum praeparati, et sic persuaderent illis mala, et prorsus omnem facultatem emendationis eorum auferrent: et sic quoque surriperent coelo suum fulcrum, nam hi sunt qui in ultimis sunt, et sicut fulcra, inde patuit, quod Divinus ordo sit quod omnes in naturam suam mittantur, quam sibi acquisiverunt in mundo, et quod in naturam suam veniant, cum externa ablata sunt, et illi relicti internis suis, ita voluntati interiori, perinde amori suo.

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