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《灵界经历》 第4691节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4691

4691. About intelligence and perception in heaven

Eliezer 1

Those are in heaven who have perception, that is, those to whom can be imparted such things as are from the good angels [who] are around [them] and in whose company they are. From this they have a general perception but not a perception of particular truths of faith. They are such as have not been studious or given attention to the truths of faith. They are endowed with perception and not with understanding, except a very general, ordinary one, of such things as they have believed. They believe that everything of heaven consists in perception and are averse to such things as belong to understanding. They were shown that they can be led as easily by the evil as by the good and that they can have numberless beliefs about one thing and not know which is true; they simply suppose that what flows in and they consequently feel is true. They were shown this by changing the argument back and forth, from doing which they took up many even opposite beliefs. But those who were devoted to faith stuck with their opinion at every reversal of the argument and resultant change of position and did not allow themselves to be budged from it, which also was demonstrated. In a word, they cherish unfavorable opinions of all who have intelligence and wisdom. They have, besides, absurd mental pictures of those who are from the heavenly kingdom.


1. A younger brother of the author, who died in 1717.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4691


There are in heaven those who possess perception, that in whom can be insinuated such [perception] as is from the good angels [who] are around, and in whose society they are. Hence they have a general perception, but not, in this way, of the truth of faith in particular. These are such as have not been diligent in studies, nor have troubled about the truths of faith. They are in perception, and not in intelligence, except in a very general, ordinary one, formed from those things which they believed. They believe that the all of heaven consists in perception, and are averse to such things as belong to intelligence. They were shown that they can be as easily led by the evil as by the good, and that they can have innumerable opinions about one thing, and not know which is true. They suppose that only is true which inflows, and which they thus perceive. It was shown them, by turning the thing over, whence it came about that they have taken up several, even opposite, opinions. But they who have been studious about faith, remain, in all such turning over and hence change of the state of the case, in their judgment, nor do they suffer themselves to be moved therefrom, which was also shown. In a word, the former cherish unfavorable opinions concerning all who are in intelligence and wisdom. They have, also, absurd ideas concerning those who are of the celestial kingdom.


1. A younger brother of Emanuel Swedenborg's. He died 1717.

Experientiae Spirituales 4691 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4691. De intelligentia et perceptione in coelo

Eliezer 1

Sunt in coelo qui perceptionem habent, hoc est, quibus insinuari potest tale quod a bonis angelis [qui] circum sunt, et in quorum societate sunt, inde illis perceptio communis, sed non ita veri fidei in speciali; illi tales sunt qui non studiis invigilarunt, aut veris fidei studuerunt; sunt in perceptione, et non in intelligentia, nisi in vulgari communissima [talium], quibus crediderunt. Illi credunt quod omne coeli consistat in perceptione, et quoque aversantur talia quae intelligentiae; illis ostensum quod possint aeque duci a malis quam a bonis, et quod de una re innumeras opiniones habere possint, et non scire quid verum, solum putant quod id verum sit quod influit et sic percipiunt: ostensum illis per circumversionem, unde plures opiniones etiam oppositas arripuerunt. At qui studuerunt fidei, illi in omni tali versione et inde mutatione status, manent in sua sententia, nec se dimoveri patiuntur, quod etiam ostensum. Verbo fovent sinistras opiniones de omnibus qui in intelligentia et sapientia sunt, etiam absurdas ideas habent de illis qui e regno coelesti sunt.


1. h.e. frater auctoris junior qui 1717 mortuus

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