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《灵界经历》 第4692节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4692

4692. Such spirits have a room near them on the east; and when they do not know how a matter stands, they go in Chambers and there hear what they must believe and at that moment believe.

Nearby are also those who trust in their own personal power, for they believe that some are created to be an impure vessel and some to be a pure one, and consequently that they are the chosen and not those who are below. But they were told how the matter is: all are chosen. But they did not agree with this.

In a word, they are such because no knowledge stands in the way and breaks down their feeling. They appear quite high above the head, at an angle.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4692

4692. Such spirits have a chamber near themselves, on the east; and, when they do not know how a matter stands they enter the chamber, and there hear what they may believe; and they then believe this from that moment. Near there, also, are those who confide in their own proper power; for they believe that certain are created to be an impure vessel, and certain to be a pure vessel, and thus that they are elected, and not those who are beneath them. But they were told how the matter stands - that all are elected. But this they were not willing to believe. In a word, they are such, because they possess no scientific which contradicts and destroys their perception. They appear quite high above the head, in a slanting direction.

Experientiae Spirituales 4692 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4692. Tales habent cameram prope se ad ortum, et cum non sciunt quomodo se res habet, intrant in Cameram, et ibi audiunt quid credent, et hoc tunc eo momento credunt. Ibi prope sunt, etiam illi qui confidunt propriae potentiae, credunt enim quod quidam creati sint ad vas impurum, et quidam ad vas purum, et sic quod illi electi, et non illi qui infra; sed illis dictum quomodo se res habet, quod omnes sint electi, sed hoc non voluerunt. Verbo sunt tales quia scientificum non aliquod obstat, et destruit perceptionem: apparent alte satis supra caput ad obliquum.

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