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《灵界经历》 第4698节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4698

4698. After this, I met someone I knew by appearance in bodily life. He had given a great deal of attention to such things as pertain to psychology and to some extent also to things pertaining to the Word, but his life did not equally correspond (Bishop Rhydelius). He delved into all the mysteries and saw whether a thing was true and was not stirred by them, and this however much [his thought] was turned and in whatever society he was. I spoke with him about this, namely that becoming steeped in principles of truth is making them one's own and in this way, in the other life, retaining the things that serve as a plane for heaven's angels. It is otherwise [for] those who do not confirm their belief in truths.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4698

4698. Afterwards, I met with someone, known to me, by sight, in the life of the body. He had given much study to such things as belonged to psychology, and also a little to what belonged to the Word; but his life did not thus correspond (Bishop Rhydelius). He penetrated all arcana, and perceived whether a thing was true, nor was he moved away from these, however he was turned, and in whatever society he might be. I spoke with him concerning the fact, that to imbue principles of truth is to appropriate them to one's self, and so, in the other life, retain those things which serve for a plane to the celestial angels. It is otherwise with those that had not confirmed themselves in truths.

Experientiae Spirituales 4698 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4698. Postea conveni aliquem in vita corporis quoad formam notum, is multum studuerat talibus quae psychologiae erant, et quoque aliquantum quae Verbi, sed vita ejus non ita correspondebat (Biskop Rhydelius), is penetravit omnia arcana, et percepit num verum esset, nec dimovebatur ab illis utcunque vertebatur, et in quacunque societate esset: loquutus cum illo de hac re, quod imbuere principia veri sit appropriare sibi illa, et sic in altera vita retinere illa, quae inserviunt pro plano coelestibus angelis, aliter ac qui non confirmaverant se in veris.

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