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《灵界经历》 第4699节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4699

4699. About a city where [they believed] in faith alone

There is a city toward the front at the right, on the plane of the sole of the foot, to which I was taken, and I got a view of it. Around it are some mountains, and between these, marshes. There are suburbs there, too. I spoke with some there. There were individuals there who believed that faith alone saves, and among these also those who had led a good life. There were also evil individuals there, most of whom were thieves, but these were separate from the former.

I spoke with them about various things, especially with those who were good, and said that they were dwelling among the evil for the sake of the city's preservation, for the Lord together with heaven can then be present and in this way take care that they not perish. Those who are evil there are to some extent capable of being corrected, likewise simple folk who in their simplicity believe. In a word, it is a community formed of many. In the center are the good, and then the true, and round about the evil. This is how [it appears] in the eyes of the angels. There is also a preacher there, concerning whom above [4698], who enjoyed a quite high level of intellectual light (Rhydelius).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4699


There is a city, forward, to the right, in the plane of the sole of the foot. I was transferred thither, and saw the place. The environs, there, are partly mountains, with marshes between them. There are also suburbs there. I there spoke with some. In that place, were those who have believed that faith alone saves; and, amongst them, are some, also, who have lived a good life. In that place were evil ones also, many of whom were robbers; but these were separate from the former. I spoke with them, chiefly with the good, concerning various matters; and it was said, that they [the good] dwell among the evil, in order that the city may be preserved; for the Lord is then able to be present along with heaven, and thus to provide that they may not perish. It was also said that the evil there, are, to some extent, capable of amendment. There are also simple ones, who believe in simplicity. In a word, it is a society which is a form of many, in the midst of which are the good, next the true, and, round about these, are the evil. Thus it appears to the eyes of the angels. There was also a preacher there, of whom mention has been made above, who was in very excellent intellectual light (Rhydelius).

Experientiae Spirituales 4699 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4699. De urbe ubi sola fides

Est urbs antrorsum ad dextrum ad planum plantae pedis, illuc translatus, et vidi, circuitus ibi sunt montani quoad partem, et paludes inter illa, sunt ibi suburbia etiam, ibi loquutus cum quibusdam, fuerunt ibi qui crediderunt solam fidem salvare, et inter illos etiam qui bonam vitam egerunt, etiam mali erant ibi, quorum plures latrones erant, sed hi distincti erant ab illis, loquutus sum cum illis, imprimis cum bonis, de variis, et dictum, quod illi inter malos habitent, ut conservetur urbs, nam Dominus cum coelo tunc potest praesens esse, ita consulere ne pereant, qui mali ibi quoad aliquam partem emendabiles sunt, etiam sunt simplices, qui simpliciter credunt, verbo est societas quae forma plurium, in cujus medio boni dein veri et circum sunt 80 mali, ita in oculis angelicis; praedicator etiam ibi erat, de quo supra, qui in luce intellectuali admodum excellente fuit Rhydelius).

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