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《灵界经历》 第4706节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4706

4706. A well-bred horse was seen, running swiftly back and forth (Rhydelius). And when he had been seen by others as a horse quite a while and frequently, he was asked how he saw himself. He said that left alone he had no such form. In his own room he seemed to be a man as before and had not been aware of any such appearance. He said that at that time he was thinking about the intellect and the will, that love and goodness pertained to the latter, faith and truth to the former, and that they were like flame and light and were interrelated, Also that at first faith's truth appeared to be in the primary place, but then in the second state, goodness.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4706

4706. A noble horse was seen; and he was running swiftly back and forth - (Rhydelius) - and then he was seen by others as a horse, and this for a considerable time and frequently. He was asked how he seemed to himself. He said that, to himself, he remained without such a form. In his own chamber, he seemed a man as before. He said that he had not noticed any such appearance; but that he was then in thought concerning the understanding and the will: that, to the latter, pertained love and good, and to the former faith and truth, and that they were like flame and light, and were associated: further, that, at the first appearance, the truth of faith was in the first place, but that, in another state, it was good.

Experientiae Spirituales 4706 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4706. Equus visus generosus et velox currens, antrorsus et retro (Rhydelius), et tunc visus aliis sicut equus, et hoc satis diu et frequenter, interrogatus quomodo sibi visus, dixit quod sibi relictus absque tali forma, in suo conclavi visus ut homo prius, nec quod tale quid animadverterit, sed quod fuerit tunc in cogitatione de intellectu et voluntate, quod ad hanc pertineret amor et bonum, ad illum fides et verum, et quod essent sicut flamma et lux, et consociarentur, tum quod primo loco esset primum apparenter verum fidei, sed in altero statu quod esset bonum.

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