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《灵界经历》 第4705节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4705

4705. About those who are turned into animals, and a city

Animals of various kinds appear in the other life, such as sheep, horses, snakes, and even camels and elephants. These were seen and looked like those living on earth. And [those who saw them] wondered where this came from, whether they were actual living animals, that is to say, whether they had been created as such there. Following this it was revealed that they were societies of spirits to which such animals correspond that appear this way, as for example, elephants and camels correspond to those who have a general knowledge. The skin was drawn off, as it were, from the head to the tail, and then these societies appeared. From there they returned to their own place.

So that I might then know the nature of their state, a certain one whom I had known in the world who was evil (Cederholm 1) was seen: first as a small child, then as a poisonous snake that twisted itself around in various ways, the next moment in his own form, then like a snake again. He was then asked how he looked to himself. He said that he had been thinking about how he might control others using things about them that were insulting to them and thus by cunning obtain the power he sought. From this it was evident that when let into their governing state of life, they certainly looked like people to themselves, but in heaven's light they looked like snakes and others like other animals. I also saw some as birds - not that they appeared such to themselves, but to others. Their progress and course are changes of state, because this is how these appear.


1. Bernhard Cederholm (1678ֱ750) was a Swedish judge.

4705. 1Houses and many other things are affections that appear in visible form in this way. The varieties of the affections can be determined from their construction and also by the streets, from the shape of the buildings and by the surrounding countryside, from the mountains, the swamps, etc. Therefore those who have similar affections dwell together and do so permanently.

1. This is the numbering in the original.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4705


In the other life, there appear animals of various kinds, for instance, sheep, horses, serpents; also camels and elephants. These were seen, and appeared like living ones in the earths; and some wondered whence this was, whether there was life in them, or whether they were so created, there. It was afterwards manifested that they were societies of spirits, to which such animals correspond - as, for instance, those who are in general knowledge, to elephants and camels - which appeared thus. A dog was, as it were, dragged down from top to bottom, and then those societies which returned thence to their own place, appeared. In order that I might know of what quality their state is, there was then seen a certain one who was an acquaintance of mine in the world, who was evil (Cederholm). At first, he was seen as an infant; after this as a venomous serpent, which twisted itself around in various ways; and the next moment he appeared in his own form; again, a second time as a serpent; and he was then asked how he at that time appeared to himself. He said that he was in thought how he might rule others, by saying such things concerning others as were to their prejudice, in order that he might thus arrive, by craftiness, at the rule whereto he aspired. Hence it was evident, that, when they are put into states of their ruling life, they then appear to themselves, indeed, as men, but in the light of heaven, as serpents: others, as other animals. I saw, also, certain ones as birds. Thus they do not appear such to themselves, but to others. Their progressions and movements are changes of state, because these appear in this manner.

4705a. Houses, and many other things, are affections, which, in visible form, appear thus. The varieties of affections may be estimated from styles of construction, and also from streets; from the form of the buildings, and from the surfaces around, mountainous, marshy, etc. Wherefore, those who are in a like affection dwell together, and this constantly.

Experientiae Spirituales 4705 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4705. De illis qui vertuntur in animalia, et urbe

Apparent animalia varii generis in altera vita, ut oves, equi, serpentes, etiam cameli et elephantes; hi visi sunt, et apparebant sicut vivi in terris, et mirati sunt unde hoc, num vita in illis seu ita ibi creati, postea manifestatum, quod essent societates spirituum qui ita apparerent, quibus talia animalia correspondent, sicut elephantes et cameli, illis qui in scientia communi; detrahebatur quasi cutis a capite ad caudam, et tunc societates illae apparebant, quae inde redibant in locum suum; ut scirem qualis tunc illorum status est, visus est quidam in mundo notus, qui malus (Cederholm) primum ut infans, dein ut serpens venenatus, qui circumflectebat se varie, et mox dein apparuit in sua forma, iterum ut serpens, et quaerebatur dein quomodo sibi tunc apparuerit, dicebat quod in cogitatione esset, quomodo imperaret aliis, per talia de aliis quae erant ad eorum vituperia, et sic per astus ad dominatum quem affectabat, veniret: inde patuit, quod cum mittuntur in status vitae regnantis sui, quod tunc appareant sibi quidem ut homines, sed in luce coeli ut serpentes, alii ut alia animalia. Vidi etiam quosdam ut aves, sic illi non apparent sibi tales, sed aliis. Progressiones illorum et cursus sunt status mutationes, quia hae ita apparent.

4705. 1

Domus et plura alia, sunt affectiones, quae ita apparent in forma visibili, affectionum varietates concludi possunt ex constructionibus, et quoque a plateis, a forma aedificiorum, et planitiebus circum, montaneis, paludinosis etc: quare qui simili affectione sunt, habitant simul, et hoc constanter.


1. sic in ms. numeratum

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