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《灵界经历》 第4708节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4708

4708. About thieving and misleading goodness, and about angels of light who are not in a wedding garment

A certain one known in life appeared. He was in a heaven with those who are intelligent. From them he could quite accurately perceive things that were in others (their character and disposition) and also reveal [them], which he did. I thought he was an angel, but later he proved to be a devil.

There was a certain one who had lost his way, and then another one appeared in whose pleasant face nothing evil or deceptive showed. [He had] a thin cane under his left arm. When he saw the one who was lost, he came up to him and immediately set on him, wanting to rob him. He even drew out a sword in a scabbard attached to a garment, against which there was no defense. It was evident then that he was the one who had been in heaven. And after this he was examined, and it was revealed that there was no inward goodness in him. So to everyone it had appeared that he was good, fair, upright and true, when nevertheless underneath this he was a robber. And it was learned that in life he had practiced deception under this guise and that he had regarded adulteries as nothing and acted filthily, likewise that he not believed in any God, thus neither had he done anything from any religion. All these things were shown to angels, and after this [it was shown] that he had a connection to angels in heaven through the outward goodness in him, and that in this way he was able be kept in heaven. He also knew truths of faith, but from memory. Then he was thrown toward the right side above Gehenna, and after this elsewhere, and so into hell. It was said that such are the worst of all because they can almost deceive inward angels, which was actually seen from the fact that when he was thrown out, the angels from whom there had been a flow into his [apparent] goodness began to lament that a good man had been expelled and cast into hell.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4708


A certain one, who, in the life of the body, was an acquaintance of mine, was in heaven with those who were intelligent. From them, he was able to perceive, with exceeding accuracy, the things which were in others, their disposition and genius, and, likewise, present it to view - which, also, he did. I supposed that he was an angel; but it was afterwards proved that he was a devil. There was a certain one who lost his way; and there then appeared a certain one with a good face wherein nothing evil and false was apparent. He had a slender club under the left arm, wherewith, on seeing the wanderer, he approached and at once furiously attacked him, and wished to rob him. He also took out a sword that was in a scabbard, attached to some garment - which conduct was indefensible. It was then shown that he was the one who was in heaven; and he was afterwards examined, and it was discovered that he was not in interior good; so that he had appeared, to everyone, good, just, righteous and true, when, yet, under this, he was a robber; and it was ascertained, that, in life, he deceived under such an outward appearance: further, that he accounted adulteries a matter of no moment, and did filthy things; likewise, that he did not believe in any God, and, therefore, had not been of any religion. All these things were shown before the angels, and, afterwards, that he had association with the angels in heaven by exterior good in himself; and that thus he could be retained in heaven. He also knew the truths of faith, but from memory. He was then cast forth towards the right side, over Gehenna, and afterwards elsewhere, and thus into hell. It was said that such are the worst of all, because they can deceive almost the interior angels. This also appeared from the fact, that, when he was cast out, the angels from whom the influx into his good proceeded, began to lament that a good man should be cast out and thrown into hell.

Experientiae Spirituales 4708 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4708. De bono latrocinante et seducente, ac de lucis angelis, qui non in vestitu nuptiali

Quidam in vita corporis notus apparuit, qui in coelo cum illis qui intelligentes erant, qui ex illis potuit percipere perquam accurate quae apud alios, eorum indole et genio, et quoque manifestare, quod etiam fecit, putavi quod esset angelus, sed quod esset diabolus, postea expertum. Erat quidam qui erravit, et tunc apparuit quidam facie bona in qua nihil mali et falsi apparebat, cum tenui trabe sub sinistra ulna, qui viso errante aggrediebatur illum, et statim irruebat, et latrocinari voluit, adimebat etiam ensem in vagina adhaerente alicui vesti, quod defendi non potuit, manifestatum tunc quod esset ille, qui in coelo, et examinatus est postea, et detectum, quod non in bono interiori esset, sic ut apparuisset unicuique bonus, justus, rectus et verus, cum tamen sub hoc latro esset, et compertum est quod in vita fefellerit sub tali specie, tum quod adulteria pro nihilo aestimaverit, et spurca egerit, pariter quod non crediderit aliquem Deum, ita nec fuisset ex aliqua religione; haec omnia ostensa sunt coram angelis, et postea quod haberet connexionem cum angelis in coelo, per bonum exterius apud se, et quod sic teneri potuerit in coelo; sciebat etiam vera fidei, sed ex memoria: tunc projectus est versus latus dextrum supra Gehennam, et postea aliunde, ita in infernum; dictum quod tales sint omnium pessimi quia possunt paene fallere angelos interiores; quod etiam apparuit ex eo quod cum ejectus est, tunc angeli, a quibus influxus in bonum ejus, inciperent lamentari, quod vir bonus ejiceretur et conjiceretur in infernum.

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